School Shopping = Jaw Dropping

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I'm such a piece of shit i'm sorry omg. I swear I tried to update last night, (actually the night before; I was writing this in the car but got rear ended, and ended up going to urgent care, so my update that was supposed to happen yesterday actually but right as I was about to, wattpad decided to go under maintenance >.> Anyways, on with the update! *I don't usually update unless I'm asked to by 2-3 people, just so I know I'm not continuing a story no one reads :3*


"Ah, fuck," I groaned as the bathroom door shook with every knock. "What?!"

"Hurry the hell up, I have to get ready too," Levi scoffed.

I sighed and massaged my temples. It was hardly 9 AM and my day was already pretty shitty. Hanji decided today was a good day to get the stomach flu and Erwin had to stay behind to take care of her, which meant their second-in-command--AKA Levi-- was entitled to take me school shopping.

My thoughts were interrupted as Levi pounded on the door again, and I let out a sigh.

"Would you hold the fuck up?!" I snapped, my patience running thin.

"Would you hurry the fuck up?" he retorted.

I ignored his bitching and continued washing my face, being careful to avoid the wound on my forehead. 

*time skip to the maaaaaaaaaaaaaaall*

"Okay, so Hanji said we had to get you your uniform and shit," Levi muttered as he looked at the small list in his hand, obviously given to him by the brunette.

"I don't know why I couldn't have just gone alone," I muttered, glaring at the doors leading inside the large building.

I sighed and began walking, holding back a laugh as I heard him 'tch' once I was a good foot (or ten) away from him.

"You can't just fucking walk off like that," he said with a glare, and I shrugged in response.

"For someone so clean, you have such a dirty mouth."

"Shut the fuck up and keep walking."

*time skip to some random store that sells those cute little school girl uniforms n shit*

"What the hell is this?" I hissed, picking a blue skirt off of the rack that looked way too short for a uniform.

"That's a skirt," Levi replied bluntly, taking it out of my hands and throwing it into the small bag (think of Forever21 bags B)) he had slung over his shoulder.

"You don't even know if that fits! And...why are you holding the bag like that?"

"We'll find out when you go to try it on. And because it's easier. Now go grab two more of those skirts, one in..." he paused and fished the note out of his pocket, then continued, "beige, and one in plaid red. I have to get your..." he glanced at the note again. "Blouses and polos. Meet me by the dressing rooms when you're done."

"Uh...okay," I sighed, turning around and glancing at the various racks of clothing.

*like 15 minutes later*

I clutched the two skirts I was told to retrieve in my hands and trudged to the dressing rooms, not wanting to try on some stupid skirt. Or shirt. Or clothes.

As soon as I reached the dressing rooms, it took all of ten seconds for Levi to shove a pile of clothes in my arms and shove me into a stall.

"What the hell?" I hissed, barely over to see over all the clothing. "I thought you said you only had to grab like two things!"

Foster!Tutor!Levi x Foster!Sassy!Depressed!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now