Chapter 12

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Maria was looking over the map making note of the locations between where they were and the ruins that were by Stoneholde. There was still the town of Foxpine, and past that was the Stoneleaf Forest. Making it past the forest would allow them to make it to Stoneholde, where they would need to confront Kenzo before finally making it to the ruins.

While Maria was doing this Irya had volunteered to make a supply run for them. Zenkoh was busy with seeing if she could gather any information before leaving for the next town. As she was making her way through an alleyway to save time, she was blocked by a 7' black furred bearfolk in chainmail. Looking behind herself she saw a 6'2" Pantherine in chainmail.

Zenkoh: Are you sure you want to do this?

As Maria was putting the map away Irya came back into their inn room.

Irya: I have the supplies so we should have more than enough to make it to the next town.

Maria: Good. Did you happen to see Zenkoh on the way back?

Irya: No, I figured she was here with you.

Just then Zenkoh had come into the room with an annoyed look on her face.

Zenkoh: Unfortunately I didn't learn anything we didn't already know.

Maria Immediately noticed a new cut on the left side of her face.

Maria: You got into a fight again didn't you?

Zenkoh just sighed before nodding.

Zenkoh: They insisted I give them my gold, I tried to tell them it wasn't going to be worth it.

Maria: I have figured our next stop is Foxpine. After that we have to make it through the Stoneleaf Forest and then we will be at the fort.

Zenkoh: Then we don't want to waste any time. Let's get going.

Kenzo: I want to know why we don't have whatever is in that ruin yet!

As he said this to one of the kobold scouts a 6' female Viper with Red scales walked in.

Alma: I doubt they know, not a single person has come out of there after being sent in.

Kenzo: Ah, Alma. I assume your job was a success.

Alma: Yes, Greywatch will be sending us supplies and some of their guards will be transferred to the defensive force protecting Stoneholde.

Kenzo: Good! I didn't want to have to get rough with them but they left me no choice.

Alma: It was my pleasure, is there anything else you need of me?

Kenzo contemplated sending Alma after Irya, she had betrayed him and needed to pay dearly for it. Alma's venom would certainly help with dealing with those traveling with Irya, but a three on one was disadvantageous to say the least.

Kenzo: Gather up two others you deem capable and make your way after Irya, she was last seen leaving Sunshire.

Alma scowled at the mention of Irya's name. She had trusted her only to find out that Irya had betrayed them, Alma would show her what she did to traitors.

After traveling for several hours Zenkoh, Maria, and Irya had come upon an old hunting ground, there were footprints and the firepit was still smoldering. Someone had been here recently. After looking around and not being able to find anyone they decided to use it since it was getting late.

Zenkoh: I'm going to get the pot going. I have the bones for the broth already but I need some meat. Think you can get some Maria?

Maria: Yeah, I think I can manage that. What is Irya going to be doing?

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