Chapter 18

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Zenkoh and Rosha were slowly circling each other waiting for the other to make a mistake and present an opening. Zenkoh wasn't going to rush into a trap, she wasn't some mindless aggressive beast like Rosha wanted to believe. She felt sorry for her, having her village raided by gnolls, but she wasn't responsible for what her mother did and coming after her for it was completely ridiculous!

Zenkoh: I really don't want to kill you, just let me pass and after I deal with Kenzo I can help you deal with my mother!

Rosha: Like I would believe that! You're just trying to find a way to get close enough to me to run me through!

Zenkoh: Would you just listen to me! I am NOT my mother!

Rosha: Liar! A gnoll is a gnoll, that's how it has always been, even if you don't want it you are a monster and you will eventually end up hurting someone innocent! You likely barely control yourself as it is!

As Rosha said this she rushed at Zenkoh with her greatsword ready for a horizontal swing. Zenkoh readied her tower shield for the impact. With a clang the greatsword deflected off the shield and Zenkoh responded with a thrust of her longsword. Her accuracy was off as it just barely cut Rosha's left leg.

Rosha responds by trying to punch Zenkoh in the face. She ducks behind her shield having the bearfolk's fist make a painful thunk as it hits the metal barrier. Zenkoh takes advantage and slams the shield into Rosha's face, forcing her to back off and give her some space.

Zenkoh: I am trying to not kill you but you are making that kind of hard! Can you just calm down and listen to me?

Rosha: I am not going to listen to some beast try to lie to me about how it isn't a monster! You can lie and pretend all you want, you cannot change what you are! A monster that is going to eventually snap and kill someone that trusts you!

It was pretty clear to Zenkoh that talking just wasn't going to work. She really wanted to avoid killing her but she can't just die here. Zenkoh grit her teeth as she accepted the reality of the situation. She was going to have to kill Rosha because the bearfolk refused to trust her because of how she looks.

Zenkoh took a defensive stance, waiting for Rosha to come to her. After a moment the bearfolk rushed forward making a lunge for her with the greatsword thrust forward. Using her shield Zenkoh diverted the blade away from her and to the side, using the opening created she made a vertical slash aiming for Rosha's right shoulder. Rosha crouched down and managed to barely bring her weapon up fast enough to block the attack.

Rosha pushes Zenkoh back to give her room to swing before making a horizontal swing. Zenkoh's shield is knocked wide as she wasn't able to brace properly for the swing, leaving her open. Rosha then thrusts forward to impale the gnoll with her greatsword. The stab is not as accurate as the bearfolk wanted but it still bites into Zenkoh's right side.

In response Zenkoh drops her weapon and grabs Rosha's right wrist. She tried to get free from the grip but couldn't. Zenkoh slowly began to increase the pressure of her grip, Rosha trying desperately to get free. After a second there was a crack as Rosha dropped her weapon.

Rosha: Ahhh! M-my wrist! You crushed my wrist!

Zenkoh then yanked the bearfolk toward her, letting go of her wrist before grabbing her throat. Rosha tried desperately using her unbroken hand to try to get free but Zenkoh's grip was too strong. Zenkoh then used her other hand to grip Rosha's muzzle. When the bearfolk realized what was about to happen her desperation grew but it simply wasn't enough to break free. Using all of her strength Zenkoh made a sharp pull of Rosha's muzzle to the right, a loud snap is heard before Zenkoh lets go of Rosha and she goes limp and slumps to the ground.

Zenkoh wanted to avoid this but Rosha wouldn't listen to anything she had to say. As much as having to kill bothers her she refused to just lie down and die, she can't protect her pack if she was dead. She needed to keep pushing forward, if Kenzo gets away then Rosha's death would be meaningless.

Kenzo was already outside the Fort Stoneholde and on his way to the ruins. He didn't trust that Onyx, Ruby, and Rosha could do much more than slow them down. That is all he needed from them anyways, he was going to make his way through the ruins and find the artifact hidden there. With any luck said artifact could be a weapon.

Zenkoh, Maria, and Irya had met up just outside what they expected to be Kenzo's office. As Irya opened the door they saw a table with some parchment on it. After looking it over Irya told them what they already expected.

Irya: As expected he ran and is making his way to the ruins. He seems to believe that what is hidden there could be some kind of weapon.

As they made it outside the fort Maria pulled out the map so they could see what direction they were going in.

Maria: According to the map we need to head to the north-east and we will arrive at the ruins. This is it, Kenzo will have nowhere to go once we corner him at the ruins, hopefully this will be over soon and life can go back to normal.

Zenkoh: Normal would be nice for a change but we need to deal with him first, letting him run around with some unknown artifact would be a mistake.

Irya: Kenzo might finally be made to pay for what he has done to ruin the lives of others.

They began their march to the ruins where they would hopefully stop Kenzo from causing any more damage.

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