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It all started with a breezy day on the beach, a football, and two sets of brothers.

"Noah! I'm open! I'm open!" Nick Graham stood about 10 yards from his twin brother, his hands lifted high above his head as he sprinted through the wet sand. A football flew through the air,  landing safely in the hands of the sprinting boy, a triumphant yell coming from his mouth and from his brothers as he took a shoulder to the ground and rolled into an imaginary end zone. The sand he kicked up with his foot flew into the air, doing it best to travel as far as it could in the direction of the third Graham sibling, the twin boys slightly older sister...Betty Graham.

"Damnit Nick! You got sand on my book you asshole." The 15 year old yelled, the pages of her book slamming closed as she sneered at the boy. The two brothers just laughed at their sisters misfortune, Nick tossing the ball back to his brother as Betty shook the sand from the pages of her hard covered edition of The Hunger Games.

"Nick go long!" Noah Graham shouted, using his hand to wave his brother away. The boy ran farther and farther, Noah throwing the ball as hard as he could. Betty's irritation didn't stop her from watching the challenging pass, the ball and the wind working together to hang a deadly right and travel directly into the vicinity of a picnicking group of teens. There was a collective groan from the Grahams and  Betty was confused when Nick returned without the ball.

"They won't give it back." He shrugged, already moving to grab his beach towel. Betty's eyebrows furrowed as she looked at her little brother, her lips parting as she tried to figure out what he meant.

"What do you mean they won't give it back?"

"I asked him to give me the ball back and he said no because he threw it right  into them so it's there's now." Betty's face dropped into one of pure disgust and confusion, her eyes shooting towards the group of teens and the boy who was holding her brothers football, tossing it in the air above his head.

"And you just said okay?" She asked, her arms crossed over her chest.

"No, mom, I didn't say anything. I came over here and told you." This was the correct thing to do...Betty was the poster child of a protective older sister, her lip curling up as she uncrossed her arms and threw her book onto her beach chair.

"I'll get the ball back." She said in a sure tone, the twins glancing at each other as they were about 100% sure she would be getting that ball back.

Betty Graham stomped towards the small group of teens, her cheeks red and a frustrated look on her face as she walked towards them. The closer she got the easier it became to recognize them, her lips pursing as she stopped by the picnic blanket.

"Excuse me." She said, her eyes tracing over the four of them.

"Can we help you?" Jeremiah Fisher was the first to speak, a painfully obvious smile on his lips as the ball sat to the right of him. Betty's eyes dropped from him to the ball and she lifted her hand to point.

"My football. I want it back."

"Actually it fell right into my lap so...I think it's mine now." The voice belonged to Conrad Fisher, a smirk on his lips as he grabbed the ball and held it in his lap.

"Just give her the ball...what's the point of keeping it from her?" Belly Conklin came to her defense, her fingers lifting to push her glasses up her nose. Betty Graham gestured towards her, agreeing with her words.

betty  ↳ conrad fisherWhere stories live. Discover now