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Nick Graham stood in the doorway of his sisters room, his eyes wide and observant as he took in the sevens in front of them. It was early, the two boys hadn't made it out of the house for the party the night before, and now Nick really wished he had...just so he could see what had led up to this.

The opening of a bedroom door called for Nicks head to turn rapidly, his eyes widening when he saw that it was his brother, the other boy scratching at his side as he woke up. Noah was surprised to see Nick looking agape in front of his sister bedroom door, the expression on his face telling him to get over there now. Noah took 10 quiet steps towards his brother, confusion on his features before he finally looked inside, his mouth dropping open at the sight.

Betty Graham was sprawled across her bed, her snores loud and jarring and her hair a complete mess. The shocking part was that Conrad Fisher was also extended across the bed, the boy cuddled cozily into the legs of the girl as he was laying a good bit further down from where Betty was. The sight of Conrad in her bed only confirmed some suspicions the brothers had had, suspicions that things were stirring between the two...how could they not?

The brothers stared at the scene for a few more moment before they looked back at each other, wondering where to go from here. They made the surprisingly respectful decision and just pulled her bedroom door closed, the two of them walking away to talk about what they had just seen. Unfortunately the closing of the door was enough to awaken Betty, her shoulders moving first as she felt herself pulled from sleep.

She could feel the effects of a hangover from the first initial deep breath in, the headache not getting her yet but the uneasiness and sickness stirring in her body. She kept her eyes closed,trying to pull her legs closer but being caught off guard by the fact something was preventing them from moving. She lifted her head, her eyes hardly open as she looked down to see what was keeping her in place.

It didn't register in her head at first, the top of a boys head and the familiar brown hair. She lifted her head a little more and could see his face, and the way that his cheek was pressed against her lower stomach, his hand laid beside his mouth that was almost touching her belly button. He was asleep, his body curved in the bed so that he was close to her. She wasn't entirely sure what to do now, sucking in a small breath and dropping her head back onto the bed.

"Fuck." It was now that she attempted to recount the memories of the night before. She could remember the party, kissing Robbie, a big blur after that, and then she remembered trying to get up the stairs...and looking back to see Conrad helping her, the look in his eyes painting a haunting image for her. She hadn't seen him look at her like that for a long time.

In her overanalyzing she seemed to have moved too much, the remnants of sleep fleeing Conrad as he moved his hands first. Before he opened his eyes he could tell he wasn't in his room, his tiredness blurring his thoughts. He opened his eyes slowly and lifted his head, his eyes tiredly blinking as he took in where he was. He figured he would be at Nicole's, or in an adjacent room somewhere, or the couch in his house, but no...it quickly became obvious to him by the fact that the bedroom was so familiar that he was not in any of those places. He was in Betty Grahams bedroom. He ran a hand over his face and fully sat up, the fact not seeming to alarm him yet, not until he looked back, and saw that she was looking back at him with a soft and confused look, her eyes wide and concerned. His heart jolted when the fact finally seemed to settle, his eyes tracing down to his left hand that was still rested against her bare stomach, her shirt having rode up.

"Hey..." She said in a soft, low voice. He blinked a few times before he looked up  at her, feeling like he might vomit. Seeing the expression of confusion on her face finally initiated the flood of memories, the confusion clearing up for him when he realized he had helped her inside the night before,  and that he must have fallen asleep there.

betty  ↳ conrad fisherWhere stories live. Discover now