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Betty's nerves ate away at her as she paced in front of her door, her eyes closed as she attempted to keep her sanity in tact. She was worried about Conrad but his disappearance wasn't the harbinger for her was the fact that Belly and Jeremiah were on their way to her dorm this very second. And she wasn't sure if she could face Belly after what she had said to her.

Upon hearing of their plans and his disappearance she had checked with his roommate, the boy confirming that Conrad had come back in an awful mood, had looked on the verge of tears, had been talking frantically on the phone and then had exclaimed that everything was fucked and had packed a bag and left. This was terrible news to hear, considering Betty knew she was some bit of the reason why he was so upset. She wasn't sure who he had been calling, but after calling his phone about 25 times she had given up...especially when it started to just go straight to voicemail.

The sound of a knock on her door made her jump and she swallowed hard, taking the few steps towards the door and pulling it open. Her heart stopped when she was that it wasn't Jeremiah or was Jack. She gasped and he took this as some indication that she was terribly excited to see him, although that wasn't truly the case. She was actually terrified to see him, knowing that Belly and Jeremiah would be at her door at any second...she needed to get rid of him fast.

"Hi are you?" He was dressed is a Brown sweatshirt and a pair of jeans, his hair sitting perfectly styled on his head and for some reason this actually made her stomach stir, but she knew she had no time to react in such a way. Jacks whole thing was that he was stupidly hot, but now wasn't the time to express that as he moved to press a kiss to the side of her head, the boy attempting to pull her into a hug. Betty stood motionless as she tried to gather the strength to reject him and to get him to leave, the boy pulling back with a furrowed brow as he noticed how uncomfortable she looked. "Are you—are you okay?"

"No...not really. My uh—my friends from home are coming to visit because something happened and I just...I wasn't expecting you." She was shockingly honest, Jack face contorting into an apologetic look, the boy blinking a few times.

"Oh I'm sorry. I'll get out of here then. I got all that I wanted anyways—I just wanted to see my beautiful girlfriend before I went to class. It's the best way to start my day you know?" She stared back at him with her worried expression for a moment before it all melted away into something sweeter, the girl unable to resist his insanely intense charm. She smiled at that and he adored the crinkle of her eye as she looked back at him with the softest gaze she had given him in a long time. Of course he was understanding...he always had been. Betty took a step forwards and shocked him by pulling him down to kiss her, her lips press gently against his own. They hadn't kissed yet since they had gotten back together, but Jack thought now was as good a time as any, his arm wrapping around her waist as he pulled her stomach against his. Betty turned her head into the kiss, some insatiable need to kiss him harder washing over her. So she did, and of course he didn't argue, no instead he just somehow pulled her closer, her stomach in knots as they kissed. His hand lifted and he pushed it into her hair, the girl feeling a shudder go through her and she wondered just how much time they had before she took the initiate to pull away. When she pulled back he let out a whine and it took everything in her truthfully not to go back but she stepped out of his hold, pressing a hand to his shoulder before looking up at him. He let out a few heavy breaths before cracking a big smile, a contagious one, and then proceeding to speak. "Only thing better than seeing your beautiful girlfriend before class is making out with her too. Aren't I lucky?"

"Get out of here you idiot." She laughed, the boy beaming with joy at her gesture of affection. She reached for his hand and followed him to the door, her fingers knit in his as something made her feeler closer to him all of a sudden.

betty  ↳ conrad fisherWhere stories live. Discover now