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Betty Graham stood in front of her mirror, a beautiful gown on her body. What she hadn't known when her dad came back into town was that their family were donors for the deb program, and that that meant they had to attend the all. It had been three days since he had come home, and Betty wanted to soak up every minute she got with him, even if it meant going to the deb ball. Even if it meant seeing Belly. She had heard through the grapevine that was her brothers that Belly and Jeremiah were going together, and Nick had actually scored himself a spot on the escort sheet, giving even more reason for Betty to have to go. It didn't meant she wasn't dreading it, but she felt stronger with her entire family at her side, she felt lighter.

The dress was a light blue dress with skinny straps, Betty having already struggled with keeping them up for a good bit of getting ready. Her mom had fixed her hair and she was putting on her shoes, the girl sitting on the end of her bed to fasten the straps. She could already feel her nerves, knowing that they'd all be there, knowing that she would have to the and look at Conrad without throwing up or crying. A lump built in her throat at just the thought of seeing him, and she knew she needed to keep herself together tonight. After tonight she wouldn't have to see him ever again if she didn't want to. After tonight...she was going to go stay with her dad for the remainder of the summer. It was an arrangement that her mother had made, and they had spent the last three days packing her up for college. Move in was only about a week away, and her mother had known getting her out of Cousins was the right move. Things were a little too twisted for her here.

"Betty let's go!" The voice was her fathers, the girl grabbing her small purse that held her lip gloss and her phone. She hurried down the stairs, her mothers face lighting up when she saw her daughter.

"Oh look beautiful." Betty appreciated her mothers attempt at making her feel better the past few days, the girl smiling as she looked between her parents. He father was smiling back at her with something akin to pride in his eyes, and the sound of footsteps on the stairs made them all turn their heads. The twins bounded down the stairs, both of them wearing tuxes but only Nick actually needing one. After a round of making sure everyone had everything they needed, the family headed to the car, Noah helping put Betty's dress into the car as they took off. The drive was filled with a pep talk on manners, this being specifically geared towards Noah and Nick who liked to publicly embarrass everyone from time to time. Betty's leg was bouncing insanely as they got closer, her chest burning in fear.

When they arrived her father dropped the four of them off at the front, promising he'd join them in a moment after he parked the car. He drove off, Betty feeling pure terror as she stared at the front of the building. Fortunately for her she had a brother that loved her, Noah stepping in front of  her and giving her a smile.

"We got this." He said, extending her arm to her. She smiled back at him nervously, locking arms with him and the four of them making their way towards the entrance. They almost made it inside without being stopped, but the sound of an all too familiar voice pulled their attention away.

"Betty! Hey!" The girls stomach knotted instantly when she turned her head to look at Jeremiah Fisher , the boy jogging towards her in a tank. He pushed past his brother to get to her, Conrad turning at the mention of her. He had an adverse reaction to seeing her, his throat drying and his stomach flipping when he took in her beauty. He couldn't even find words to describe her in that moment, but he could see the way she was frowning. He had been trying for days to get ahold of her, and he hadn't gotten a reply. And now there she was...standing right in front of him. He watched as she broke away from Jeremiah, not offering him a glance even in the slightest, the girl excusing herself and making her way into the party. Conrad fought with himself hard, knowing he either had to follow her and speak to her, or just let her be. Clearly she didn't want to talk to him, and the worst part was he had no idea why. He'd spent days agonizing over what happened, and over the fact he had to make a choice. He was dreading the choice.

betty  ↳ conrad fisherWhere stories live. Discover now