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The trip had soured some attitudes, Betty was no longer as excited and smiley as she had been and it was all thanks to Conrad. She hated how much the Belly and Conrad situation affected her, but that exact situation had been the cause of all of her pain in the last while. And she could forgive but she never forgot. And for someone so hellbent on trying to win her over only days ago, it was irritating to know that he had the same agenda for Belly.

"Alright what's the plan here?" Jeremiah said as they all walked into Party City, Betty trying not to make it seem like she was upset in the slightest. She didn't want to ruin the day. And she wasn't upset, she couldn't be. How could she really be upset about something that had no significance to her, she had a boyfriend and she loved him. And everything else was just background noise. She wasn't upset, she was just conditioned into thinking she was.

"Uh, I mean it's a rager right? So go big." Belly said, Betty nodding her head at that. There wasn't a theme in mind, but they had the entire store at their fingertips and could do or buy anything they wanted.

"How big are we talking Bells?" Jeremiah said, his arm dropping over her shoulders and Conrad quick to speak next.

"Right I mean are we talking like... dads Amex big or...?" Betty did crack a smile as Conrad pulled the card out of his wallet, the thought of fucking his dad over making him just as giddy.

"The sacred emergency Amex? Wait guys are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Jeremiah said, his eyes going between the three of them like he had the grenade at idea.

"What?" Belly asked.

"Blow up furniture, strobe lights, bubble machines...the whole shebang." Belly excitedly said yes and Conrad nodded, Betty wanting to get away and have a moment to herself.

"Okay well I'm gonna go big over there." Betty said as they all agreed, the girl reaching for a cart and walking away from the group.

"Last one to fill a cart has to load it all in! Go!" Jeremiah said just as Betty turned down an aisle. She wasn't as excitedly grabbing things as she figured they were, the girl grabbing a couple giant packages of cups and disposable shot glasses. She walked the same aisle about four times mindlessly, hoping she'd catch onto something by the next time she turned around but all she had in her cart were cups. For some reason she couldn't stop thinking about Jack, about him showing up, about how much he'd really cared that he'd shown up but also if he really did care that much or if he just wanted to remind Conrad who she was with.

When she turned the corner she came face to face with Conrad Fisher and his cart, the girl letting out a quick exasperated sigh before she quickly backed away and back down the aisle she was in. He obviously followed her, Betty wishing he'd leave her alone and spare her whatever he was opening his mouth to say as she turned towards some plates on a wall.

"So is Jack coming to the party?" He stood beside her and stared at the same plates, a tension between them that was undeniable. The past few days had been nothing but a rollercoaster for the two of them. First it was his anger at her showing up, and then it was his relief, her comfort, their night together, a good day at the boardwalk before he ruined things and then a terrible night at the club where he ruined things again and then a morning of absolutely surprise when her boyfriend showed up in the midst of their dramatics...leaving things halted and confusing. They'd both admitted they'd given up...but it was an obvious heat of the moment thing to say and now when they were standing in the Party City, in the middle of the day, alone...this was where all that tension finally made its appearance.

betty  ↳ conrad fisherWhere stories live. Discover now