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Betty Graham was tucked into a chair of the screen room, her eyes closed while she tried to sleep away the emotions of the day. Her heart felt like a gaping hole and all she wanted was to be done with this, but she knew her brave face would be more important for the moment. She'd eaten a little bit but had mostly remained in some kind of catatonic silence, Jeremiah trying to get her attention a few times and failing. However the only time she really seemed to be paying attention for anything was when she had her phone in front of her face, texting Jack and pretending like she wasn't even there.

It hadn't seemed to hit her, how drained she was, until Jeremiah had betrayed her trust. And while she wondered if it was dramatic of her to be so upset over a kiss, she did figure that whatever she was feeling was fair, because she was feeling it. Jeremiah's actions reminded her once again that him and Conrad were brothers, that they were cut from the same cloth. They had both disregarded the fact that she had a boyfriend, that she loved said boyfriend. They both thought it was okay to kiss her and she had expected it from Conrad because he had been acting this way for a long time now but Jeremiah...this one hurt. She thought they had an understanding, she thought they were on the same wavelength, that someone here really appreciated her and that someone really cared for her. But no...Jeremiah just wanted her. And she was all alone. She couldn't help that creeping thought in her head telling her she should've just stayed at Brown. She should've just left it to them. She felt like she was losing her mind. And her only anchor just happened to be the person she didn't expect...Jack.

Betty was in her own little world of her phone and her feelings but she could feel the looks. She knew it alternated, the gaze from Jeremiah feeling like a slight burn, like his gaze was itching to be met and  then there was the coldness of Conrad's gaze. His anger had simmered and he was left with nothing but guilt and some pain, his chest feeling like something was stuck or clogged in his arteries as he wondered and  figured how the hell he could fix what he'd done. After seeing how upset she was earlier, the tears on her face and her cries...all he could feel was the debilitating guilt of it, he never wanted her to cry over him. The thought of it made him want to cry himself,  as he replayed her angered words towards him over and over again as some form of self torture. Don't touch me. It made him want to die, the way she'd said it, no, spit it with such poison and hatred. It was probably the only time he'd ever been convinced that she wanted nothing to do with him. And it hurt so bad.

The only thing that seemed to catch her attention was when Taylor announced she'd found weed, Betty evaluating that getting insanely high would boost her mood and put her in a different headspace than the one she was currently in. It sounded delightful.

"Yeah but you can't just—you can't just smoke random weed?" Belly said, voicing her concerns on Taylor's find and the apple she was demolishing.

"Belly, it's not random weed. It's lost and found rich people weed. It's probably really good. Can you hand me another one?" Taylor said , putting the apple she was butchering down and looking to Belly.


"Well you need any help, Tay Tay?" Steven said, Taylor letting out a scoff before answering the boy who clearly just wanted a hint of her attention. It was way to obvious at this point.

"Could you just give me a minute? Damn." She stabbed the apple, the sound of it trigger Cam to sit up.

"Okay can...can you just be a little more neat, please? Also you cant smoke in here. The upholstery..."Betty still felt bad about being in here, Cam was stressed and unable to relax. They should've just went to Betty's house again.

betty  ↳ conrad fisherWhere stories live. Discover now