3 months later.

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"Alright everybody have a good day and I'll see you next Thursday for our next lab." Betty Graham pushed herself up from her seat, packing her stuff into her bag as the TA wrapped up on the lab. She pulled the straps of the bookbag over her shoulders and quickly made her way into the hall of the building. She hurried towards the steps, beyond prepared to get back to her dorm room to take a short nap before she was forced to go out with her roommate. Her roommate was obsessed with Thirsty Thursdays, and Betty was on board with drinking if it meant getting drunk and forgetting about all of her new responsibilities and old problems.

She crossed campus shivering, the chill in the air getting worse by the day as they inched towards winter. There was the sound of rapid footsteps behind her but she ignored them, only for an arm to wrap around her shoulders and make her jump. A pair of lips pressed against hers and she knew who it was now, or at least who she hoped it was, her lips turning up into a smile as she pulled back.

Betty had been up to a lot of things since starting school at Brown, but the most exciting thing she had to show for it was her boyfriend, Jack. He was everything she needed in a boyfriend, he was sweet and considerate, he made her laugh, he reminded her of the fact that she could move on, she could be whole, and he made her happy. And she knew that if it came down to it, he would choose her no matter what.

"How was lab? Do anything interesting?" Jack asked, knitting their fingers together. She shook her head, looking back out at the path she was taking and answering him.

"No we went over some of the manual this week really. How was bio?" She asked, and Jack was quick to answer with enthusiasm.

"You know I like that class so it went well and also there's this dude in there that knows so much about the class already that it's kinda funny. I asked him if he wanted to help me study sometime and he said sure so at least there's that. Are you and Lori going out tonight?" Betty nodded her head at Jacks question, her lips turning up into a smile as he bumped shoulders with her. It had never been her plan to go to college and get a boyfriend right off the bat. But when her and Jack had met, it was like the stars had aligned perfectly in that moment for them. They had only been together for a month and a half, but Jack was different, something else entirely, he was nothing like what she was used to. Jack was sure about everything he did, he was sure about her, about wanting her, about being with her. He didn't struggle with expressing himself, he didn't walk around her on eggshells and in a world of men that didn't know how to treat a girl, he wasn't one of them. He told her over and over that if someone feels enough for you they would show you. And he did. And Betty felt better in a month and a half than she had in the past 3 years.  "Oh by the way baby...the Brown House is running drink deals tonight since it's the first of October, and they're like a Halloween themed bar, you know...so like I think you should pregame beforehand of course since you're not 21 and then once you get in there you should be drunk and confident enough to get a wristband without having to show ID. Or you're not and guys buy you drinks anyways because you're the prettiest girl there."

"Hey come on...I'm not gonna get guys to buy me drinks. That's what you're for." She said, her smile striking him with a pang to the chest. He lifted his free hand to rub at it, grinning out her as he rolled his eyes.

"I know how to cheat the system . You go in there and you let these guys buy you drinks...if I could do it that way I would, but not too many guys think I'm pretty enough." She laughed at his joke, Jack knowing how he loved the sound of her laugh. His eyes held something she had tried to find for  a long time, and she had thought she knew what it looked like. She had thought she had known until she saw it in his eyes, and she understood that this time it was true. "I don't want to overstep on Loris Thirsty Thursday.  She'll kill me. Besides, I'm going to hang out with Danny tonight...since he will also be girlfriendless."

betty  ↳ conrad fisherWhere stories live. Discover now