Who are you? I am you! I am me. No sir, you are you.

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Hobie's POV

Im sitting in my room when I get a text from Gwendy.

Im sitting in my room when I get a text from Gwendy

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Honestly, im just fucking tired. I see Gwen and miles talkin' with some other kid, he was smaller than both of them, he had black hair and like a tan-ish skin and a small girl slightly shorter than the boy, she has black hair and pale skin not too pale though. Gwen sees me and turns around "Your late" she says glaring at me "I don't believe in time" I reply. She rolls her eyes "Whatever you say, this is Pavitr and Pavitr this is Hobie" she points at the boy who looks up at me in shock, I think that's just because im tall "You've got a weird name mate" the boy glared at me and Miles pushed the boy a side gently "Hobie, respect him!" I sigh "Fine!" I turn to the boy and shake his hand. I see him back away. Obviously annoyed with me, cute init? Gwen points over to the girl "This is Peni" the girl waves "Hi!" I just look down at her "Hey" I reply. Gwen smiles "I need to talk to miles real quick, be right back" That Pav- Pavi- Paviter- I'm just gonna call him somethin else, calls out to Gwen and miles "The romantic tension between you two is amazing!" He has a accent, im pretty sure its Indian... Nope its Indian. Gwendy yells back "Shut up!" The boy laughs and so does the girl. I'm bored and I don't want to be here. The short boy turns to look up at me "My name isn't weird" I pat him on the head and he snacks my hand "Don't gotta be so vex, love" Pav blushes a bit and the girl slowly holds up her phone and takes a picture. We both turn to look at her "Why'd you do that?" I asked her. She smiles "You two have your own tension" Pav glares at me "Must not be a good one" he says as he turns around to see Gwendy and Miles return from whatever conversation they had "Ay, we got something to tell you all" we all looked at them "We all are Spider-Man! And spider-woman" Miles says as he looks at the girls then boys. Peni smiled "Hell yeah! You guys had spider puberty yet?" Gwen smiled "Yep! How do you think I got my hair like this" Miles replied "Yeah..." Pav nodded "Yes, same like Gwen I had to cut my beautiful hair" Peni rolls her eyes "The ego- " we all laugh and then Peni asks "What about you?" I nod "I never cut my hair I just stuck onto stuff" I say looking at Gwen. We all think about regular puberty and cringe. I look at miles who is looking at Gwendy. Bro if they don't get together im sacrificing both of them. Pav is still glaring at me, I can feel it. I don't care though.

Pav's POV

I open the portal to miles universe and step in. I see miles and Gwen when I exit "Hey Pav!" Miles waves "Hello guys!" I offer to hug them but they both say no because I hug to hard, I don't they are just weak! Them some nezuko rip off shows up out of nowhere "Hey guys! Hello new person!" She waves to me and I wave back "The names Peni Parker! And you are?" I l copy her "My name is Pavitr Prabhkar or Pav" we all laugh at how cringey that was. Another portal opened and a skyscraper walks out. How is he so tall?!VGwen sees him and turns around "Your late" she says glaring at him "I don't believe in time" I reply. She rolls her eyes "Whatever you say, this is Pavitr and Pavitr this is Hobie" she points at the me and look up at him in shock "You've got a weird name mate" I glared at him, we just met and then you disrespect my name?!  Miles pushed me a side gently "Hobie, respect him!" He sigh "Fine!" He turned to ne and shook my hand. I then back away. Obviously annoyed with him, I think he noticed too. Gwen points over to Peni "This is Peni" Peni waves "Hi!" He just looks down at her "Hey" he then replies. Gwen smiles "I need to talk to miles real quick, be right back" I call out to Gwen and Miles "The romantic tension between you two is amazing!" im very good when it comes to reading people, they are just in denial, but they obviously like each other. It's very painful watching them act like they don't like each other. Gwen yells back "Shut up!" I laugh and so does Peni. I turn to look up at Hobie "My name isn't weird" he pats me on the head and I snack his hand "Don't gotta be so vex, love" I blush a bit, why I don't know and the Peni slowly holds up her phone and takes a picture. We both turn to look at her "Why'd you do that?" Hobie asked her. She smiles "You two have your own tension" Pav glares at me "Must not be a good one" I say as I turns around to see Gwen and Miles return from whatever conversation they had "Ay, we got something to tell you all" we all looked at them "We all are Spider-Man! And spider-woman" Miles says as he looks at the girls then boys. Peni smiled "Hell yeah! You guys had spider puberty yet?" Gwen smiled "Yep! How do you think I got my hair like this" Miles replied "Yeah..." I nodded "Yes, same like Gwen I had to cut my beautiful hair" Peni rolls her eyes "The ego- " I don't have a ego! we all laugh and then Peni asks "What about you?" He nods "I never cut my hair I just stuck onto stuff" he says looking at Gwen. I think that was targeted. We all think about regular puberty and cringe. I look at Hobie who is looking at miles who is looking at Gwen. 

For you guys that don't know what spider puberty is:

Spider puberty is when a spider person firsts get their powers and have no idea how their powers work. They start sticking onto things and whatever their side power is kicks in at random until they learn to use it. Or for better example:

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