Pavi, Spill The Tea! And I Want Details

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(Spill the Tea or should I say...The Chai?)

Pav's POV

I woke up and I hear something that sounds like gunshots. I get up and look outside my window and see a freaking robot thing outside. I change into my spider suit because that takes 3 seconds, yes I've used a stop watch. And go to fight it. Currently it's fighting something else though.... Another Spider-Man? Whatever, I shoot a web at its face and then kick it. That made it mad, good. The other Spider-Man is confused when he sees me but uhm, why the hell are you here- The thing nearly steps on the other Spider-Man and I pick up the other Spider-Man and move him on top of a building. I then get rid of that, THING and stuff. Another easy adventure for Spider-Man...whoo...

Hobie's POV

I was gonna visit Pavi when suddenly I heard some gunshots, it scared the fuck outta me but I know it's not normal. I always wear my spider suit and say it's a cosplay so I put on my mask and then go to stop this thing. When I finally locate it it's big as fuck. Whatever. As I'm fighting this thing I see some other guy.

 Another Spider-Man?! What the hell- He shoots a web at its face and then kicks it

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 Another Spider-Man?! What the hell- He shoots a web at its face and then kicks it. That made it mad, fuck what the hell is he doing. I am visibly confused and I think the other Spider-Man picked it up. Just then the thing nearly steps on me and then the other Spider-Man picks me up and moves me on top of a building. He then get rid of the demon thing, whatever the hell that thing was supposed to be. He's good at this....


When I am walking on the buildings thinking about that other Spider-Man and then I see him sitting up on a tall building looking at the night sky. I swing over to the building and then I say "Ey mate long time no see eh?"  I try to start a conversation with him but I think I startled him "Oh! Hi" he waves and I sit down next to him he looks familiar " So, Uhm your name Peter Parker? " he shakes his head "Do I sound like someone names Peter?" Okay I am not good at starting small talk with people "Hows being Spider-Man?" He shrugs "I dunno" welp I give up trying to start small talk with this guy. He sighs and takes off his mask its... "Pavi?!" I say in shock "Miles didn't tell you yet but all if us are Spider-Man also you've seen me do stuff a regular Spider-Man does-" he then punches my arm, shit that hurt (It hurt bc Pavi is naturally buff😔) "Hey what was that for? " I ask him and he looks down at the city "tum bevkuf ko mar sakate the, main tumse pyar karta hoon aur main nahi chahta ki tumhe chot lage" I have no idea what he said but I can tell that he is upset with me "Sorry Pav" I smile and he nods. He puts his head on my shoulder, thats new- but I think he fell asleep, I decide to take him back home and put him in his room. He looks so cute-

Pav's POV

I wake up in my room and looked around "How'd I get back home?" I wonder as I change back into my normal clothes. I get up and wave to Taiseem who is on the phone. My phone buzzes and I look at it, its from Gayatri 

G:Pavi your hiding smth from me, you better get your coconut oil smelling self over here or I swear to god-

Oh No- I tell my brother that ima go visit Gayatri and he nods. We meet up at a park because I think it's weird to just show up to a girls home and be like 'Hey I wanna talk to your daughter in private' I see Gayatri and wave to her. She waves back and I sit down next to her "How's your life so far?" I ask and then she says "You wouldn't believe what happened at the last photo shoot" I know this is gonna be good "I was getting ready when some lady came in and was like 'You can be in this shoot' and I asked her why and she said 'we are looking for people who are... Lighter than you are' like she has some nerve" I laugh "The fact that she tried to make it sound nice is crazy-" Gayatri smiles "I know right! Then this woman tripped me" thats crazy "Please tell me the manager saw it!" I say as she giggled "And then she had the audacity to come back the same day!" We talk for a while until I start thinking about Hobie and kinda spacing out. Gayatri picks up on this and says "Pavitr Prabhkar what is going on." I am not ready to tell her but I will "I... Like..someone.... Hes....a.....a..guy" I hear her voice become so high I think she can break glass "Omg! Who's the guy?! You have to tell me!" I blush and look down "Come on! Pavi, spill the tea! And I want details!" I finally say "H-How name is Hobie" she then picks up my phone, she doesn't know my password so I don't care "Mhm continue" she then says. I am so embarrassed "Well he's a skyscraper, he has a lot of piercings. Gayatri smiles " You mean this guy?"

How the heck did she hack my phone?! "Uhm how did you do that-" she shakes her head and says "Maybe because the password 'SPDRINDIA' isn't the best password" im am scared of this girl- Gayatri then says "Pavitr, look I got you

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How the heck did she hack my phone?! "Uhm how did you do that-" she shakes her head and says "Maybe because the password 'SPDRINDIA' isn't the best password" im am scared of this girl- Gayatri then says "Pavitr, look I got you. Ima just text him that you wanna go out" No- "Gaya! You don't have to do that" she did it anyway "Aye, why would you do that?! I mean yeah I have w rizz but besides that I have no skill when it comes to being in relationships!" She then glares at Mr "PAVITR PRABHKAR! YOU ARE AMAZING AND YOU SHOULD NOT GIVE UP ON THID MAN BECAUSE YOU ARE TO SHY" I am glad to have friends like this "Your right" I feel like crying again... But not because im sad because she has belief in me.

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