Pav's Blue Headband

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Hobie's POV

Me and Pav are hanging out on top of a building "Lovely..." Pav says with a a sigh as he looks over at a big tower that has lights on it "Not as lovely as you luv" I say and his face turns red and he looks away. Pav starts doing that thing where he plays with his hair, I think it's just because he's embarrassed. I then notice how Pav always has that blue headband on, even in his spider suit and he wears it to sleep like he never takes it off, at all "Hey Pavi?" I ask him and he looks at me "Yeah?" I sigh and look at him "Why do you always have that blue headband on?" He freezes and finally says "It was my mothers... She gave it to me before - before she- before she-" he stutters, I can tell he's trying not to cry "Before... She died..." He says finally accepting his sadness as he starts crying. He hugs me tightly, he is a person who does cry loudly, he is quiet when he cries...but... I've never seen him cry, ever "Ey Pav... I'm so sorry for bringing that memory back to ya" he quietly says "It's ok..." I try to get him to stand up but he can't bring himself to get up. I sit back down with him and hug him until he stops crying. But I am kind of curious "How did she die...?" He hugs me tighter " Me and Taiseem used to live in Dubai with Mom and Dad, one night Mom and Dad were going out for a while and never came back for me and Taiseem, turns out they were hit by a truck and it killed them.... Thats what forced me to move to Mumbattan with Maya wasn't the best person at all. He used to tell us that boys are never allowed to show their emotions and they have to be strong because only girls cry" he says wiping his tears "B-But that's sexist and also not true, everyone of every gender cries. Even he did..." My poor baby, he tries so hard to act like his life is perfect but really...he's as broken and as traumatized as every other Spider-Man...

Pav's POV

It was a nice night and we hanging out on top of a building "Lovely..." I say with a a sigh as I look over at an apartment building that has lights on it "Not as lovely as you luv" Hobie says and my face turns red and I look away.  starts doing that thing where I play with my hair. I start staring at other things around the city "Hey Pavi?" Hobie says and I look at him "Yeah?" he sighs and looks at me "Why do you always have that blue headband on?" I pause, should I tell him...? Finally, I say "It was my mothers... She gave it to me before - before she- before she-" I stutter, come on pav keep it together...this is not how this should happen, don't cry in front of him... "Before... She died..." I say as the tears that fill my eyes start to roll down my face and I start crying. I hug Hobie tightly, I am a silent crier luckily so he won't hear me crying...Hobie looks down at me "Ey Pav... I'm so sorry for bringing that memory back to ya" I quietly reply "It's ok..." he tries to get me to stand up but I can't...get...up...pav! he sits back down with me and he hugs me until I stop crying. Hobie tilts his head "How did she die...?" I hug him tighter, thinking of that day... " Me and Taiseem used to live in Dubai with Mom and Dad, one night Mom and Dad were going out for awhile and never came back for me and Taiseem, turns out they were hit by a truck and it killed them.... 


Past Pav's POV

I sit on the couch as I watch Mommy put her gold bracelet on. She then takes it off and walks over to us "Taiseem, I want to give you this" She smiles, and it's the bracelet on Taiseem. She takes her pretty blue headband off and puts it on my head "And this is for you have" We both smile and she pats us on the head "We are going out for a while! Thai make sure Pavitra goes to bed at 8:30" I hate it when mommy calls me by my real name. why can't she just call me Pavitr?! I watch Mommy and Daddy leave and then I turn to Taiseem "Thai?" I say and he turns to me, Thai is Taiseem's nickname. Mommy gave it to him "Yeah?" I tilt my head "Why was Daddy grabbing Mommy's butt?" Taiseem  shrugged "Maybe it's a gesture of love..?" we both think about then we get bored "Can we watch Peppa Pig?" I ask "How about we watch....The Backyardigans?" Thai says "YEAH" I reply with happiness. We both sit there and watch it "Thai?" I ask and he looks at me "Yeah wassup?" I look back at the TV "Why didn't Daddy get us a babysitter?" Taiseem looks down...did I make him upset..? "He says that boys can watch themselves..." I look down at the floor " least we have each other!" I say and he smiles. we hear a knock at the door and go to see who it is. thai tells me to say behind him and he opens the door "Hello, is this the home of the Prabhkar's?" the officer asks and Thai slowly nods. he takes off his hat "Your parents just passed away in a car crash..." I have an idea of what 'passed away' means...I tear up and start crying. Thai walks over and hugs me...A week later we had that weird thing where we dressed up in black and sent Mommy and Daddy to heaven by talking about them...(Poor baby, he means a funeral) After that, we had to go to mumbattan to live with Maya auntie. Taiseem keeps asking me if I'm okay, I lie to him and tell him I'm fine so he won't worry too much...I mean I am only 9...I keep this headband close because it's the last I have of her...

End of flashback

"That's what forced me to move to Mumbattan with Maya wasn't the best person at all. He used to tell us that boys are never allowed to show their emotions and they have to be strong because only girls cry" I say wiping my tears "B-But that's sexist and also not true, everyone of every gender cries, no matter who they identify as. Even he did..." Hobie is looking at me with concern..I don't want him to be scared for me... I'm fine...I try to smile for him but I think he can tell....

It's just that...

I miss you, Mom

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I miss you, Mom....

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