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Still Pav's POV:

I feel asleep and when I woke up I see Gwen, Miles and Hobie standing over me. I look around "Where'd the babies go?" I ask as Hobie puts his phone away "They went back to 616 & 924" I nod and sit up "How long have I been sleeping?" Miles shrugs "About 1 hour" I nod and think about how im gonna explain this to my brother... Miles taps his phone and says "I gotta go" Hobie ruffles my hair and says "Yeah, I gotta go home too, bye" Miles and Hobie go back to their universe's and I finally get up and go back to my universe. When I get back home I immediately go to my room and sit down on my bed. I hear a knock on the door "Come in..." I say as Taiseem comes in and says "You alright? You just got home right?" I nodded, trying to hide my arm injury. But, my brother always knows how does he always know- "Vitra what happened to your arm?" I have no idea how I'd tell him what actually happened "Uhm...I was walking then a sharp wood hit my arm and cut it" I am so good at this. Taiseem nods "Alright!" I laid down and think about Hobie... Why am I thinking about him...I sit up and decide to call him


H: Ello?

P: Hey

H: Oh hey Pavi, ya arm alright?

P: it still stings but besides that im fine

H: Thats good, it could have been worse

P: Yeah...Hey Hobie?

H: Ye?

P: I want to say thank you for helping me...

H: Aww, no problem cutie

P: Hey! Shut up! shriman, main kisi bhi cheez mein vishwas nahi karta!

H: What if I don't eh mate? When you speak Hindi you sound hella hot y'know

P: I hate you

H: Love ya

*Call ended*

Why do I love this man so much...ahh! I sit up and decide to go visit Peni because I'm bored and I want to stop her from writing a wattpad fanfic about me and Hobie if she's already started.

Peni's POV:

I was sitting in my room texting my friend when I look up from my phone and see Pavitr standing im front of me, jump scare- "Hi Peni!" He waves calmly as if he didn't just scare the life out of me. I smiled back though "Hello Pav! How's you have Hobie getting along?" I see him blush and he ignores the question "How's your dad?" I know he meant Spider-Noir but I as still thinking about my real dad "He's fine" I smirk A little and say "Have you come to see my fanfic about you and Hobie?" I laugh at his reaction when he says "YOU MADE WHAT?!" He sighs and glares at me "Why tho-" I smile and say "Its the best! I already have the best ship name for you two...Chaipunk!" The name sounds cool so I went with it- Pav's face is so red its funny "You alright? Your face is so red!" I laugh as he looks at the ground in embarrassment. He says something to himself, something along the lines of "Chaipunk isn't a bad name..." I know it isn't "Wanna watch a movie?" I ask him and he nods "Can we watch Moana?" I nod "Hell yes I love that movie!" No really that's the best movie on earth, we need a Moana 2.

(Time Skip: Pavi went back to 50101)

Hobie's POV

I was talking with Gwendy about how she can rizz up Miles "You gotta be kinda flirty but not too flirty ight? You want to date him not kill em" I say as Gwendy sighs "Im tired...Ima get some ketchup and popcorn" ( Only the real CoryxKenshin fans remember this from a spooky scary Sunday episode) what the fuck...what does she mean "Why are you bringing ketchup and popcorn? You got French fries or somethin?" I ask her "No, but hear me out. Ketchup and popcorn tastes delicious It goes really well with it" she says with a smile. Gwendy, Gwen, GWEN THATS FUCKIN' NASTY EW- im done with this girl. Im sorry but she is putting ketchup on popcorn, that sounds and probably is nasty. I get up and leave her weird ass. I go to my room and pick up my guitar to play a few songs. Just then my phone starts ringing

*Phone starts ringing*

H: Ello?

P: Hey

H: Oh hey Pavi, ya arm alright?

P: it still stings but besides that im fine

H: Thats good, it could have been worse

P: Yeah...Hey Hobie?

H: Ye?

P: I want to say thank you for helping me...

H: Aww, no problem cutie

P: Hey! Shut up! shriman, main kisi bhi cheez mein vishwas nahi karta!

H: What if I don't eh mate? When you speak Hindi you sound hella hot y'know

P: I hate you

H: Love ya

*Call ended*

He hates when I call him that, cute. I go back to what I was originally trying to do and I play a few songs, I stop and looked at my picture of all of us (Art not mine)

This was taken when it when Pav's first time in America (The 1610 one) we are so random but I guess that's what makes us different, I smile to myself as I think about what I should do now, I still wanna yell at Gwendy for putting ketchup on popcorn-

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This was taken when it when Pav's first time in America (The 1610 one) we are so random but I guess that's what makes us different, I smile to myself as I think about what I should do now, I still wanna yell at Gwendy for putting ketchup on popcorn-. Maybe im gonna look at my Twitter ehm, I mean X (sorry but the name- I don't like it-😭)

 Maybe im gonna look at my Twitter ehm, I mean X (sorry but the name- I don't like it-😭)

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She ate, I definitely believe what the baby is saying, true gold right there.

Oop- Miguel had some fuckin' nerve to say that, now in gonna beat his ass so hard

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Oop- Miguel had some fuckin' nerve to say that, now in gonna beat his ass so hard. I put my phone away and just relax.

Shortie •CHAIPUNK•Where stories live. Discover now