Why him?!

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Pav's POV, next day!!!

I wake up, skip the workout because im naturally buff and I don't wanna get too big, ya know? I do my morning basics and then get dressed. After I put my shirt on my phone buzzes. 

Blue: Gwen

Green: Miles

White: Pav

White: Pav

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I roll my eyes at the phone, I have some weird friends. I don't really care as long as we respect each other for who we are and they are happy with who they are.

 I don't really care as long as we respect each other for who we are and they are happy with who they are

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Bro, why would I date. Him! Of all people? I never knew that Gwen was in that band, with him. I mean I should have they literally said Gwen Stacey but then again, I never knew her last name. Hobie on the other hand, that should have been super obvious. I have never heard of someone named Hobie in my life. I get bored and decide to text Gayatri, we used to date but she broke up with me because she felt like I deserved someone better. She's slightly insecure about herself and that's whay that came from. She felt like she wasn't doing enough but every time I try to tell her its alright she'd get very emotional so I just sit here with her until shed feel better... But she's better know, shes dating my brother, Taiseem (Te-seam) I don't really care they are a cute couple anyway

 But she's better know, shes dating my brother, Taiseem (Te-seam) I don't really care they are a cute couple anyway

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Im done with this girl bruh, I get up to go get some water. As I drink my water I start thinking about that British accent he has, low-key it's kinda hot.... Wait why am I thinking about this?! I blush and put the water down "I need to get some fresh air..." I take a small walk around the best possible Spider-Man city, Mumbattan. As I walk I bump into him again "Oi mate, watch where you are going! Don't wanna hurt yourself." I cross my arms and look up at him "Shut up, TPG." it's a insult I came up with, there's a movie called the big friendly giant, but he is the tall punk giant. He looks at me "I dunno what that means but I assume it's a insult." I nod and proceed to walk away but then he grabs my arm and pulls me back.I blush at close I am to him "Don't evea insult me" I think I made him mad... Good!I pull away from him and he lets go of my arm "Don't need to be so aggressive" I slowly back away as he glares at me. It's so creepy or maybe that's because he has a lot of piercings. I return home and pick up the water "Hey lil bro" Taiseem waves to me as he walks in the kitchen. Him and Maya Auntie have been taking me ever sense mom and dad died when I was 9. I tell him about what happened with Hobie and how creepy his glare is "That's scary... You alright" Taiseem says as he looks at my face for scars. I pull his hands away "Im fine! He didn't touch me" Taiseem lets out a sigh of relief.

Hobie's POV

I was sitting on my bed and playing my guitar and listening to music. I was getting ready for the concert tonight. I asked Gwendy if she would bring Pav and she said she's working on it. I have been doing this for an hour and I need to get some fresh air. I was walking around this place called Mumbattan. As I was looking at some art on a wall. I feel someone bump into that Pav kid again "Oi mate, watch where you are going! Don't wanna hurt yourself." I say to him. He crosses his arms and looks up at me "Shut up, TPG." What the fuck did this little bitch call me? I look at him "I dunno what that means but I assume it's a insult." I say to him. He nodded and proceeded to walk away but then I grab his arm and pull me back. I see him blush bit at close he is to me "Don't eva insult me" He pulls away from me and I let go of his arm "Don't need to be so aggressive" he says as he slowly backs away as I glare at me. I think im scaring him. I watch him run off. Good.

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