City Sky

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(Pavi can be a bottom sometimes but he is mostly a top and a flirty person😭)

Hobie POV

Im just mindin my business when my phone buzzes. I look at it and its a the text from Pavi saying he wants to go out with me. Thats new but I reply sure because I love the little guy, he's adorable. I tell him to meet me in downtown Mumbattan because its pretty there...just like him. He replies back okay so I am gonna be annoying and take time getting ready. Plus, it's a date so why not?

Pav's POV

I still can't believe Gaya did that-  but she has faith in me so why not give it a shot. I go home and change into some normal clothes I look at my phone to see if Hobie sent anything but nothing so far. I put my phone in !y pocket and leave my room "Aye, Thai (still Taiseem that's just his nickname) tell Maya Auntie that ima be out for a while" Taiseem nods and goes back to whatever the heck he was doing and I walk all the way to downtown Mumbattan. I like this part if the city because is always so pretty...It reminds me of Vegas though

I eventually see Hobie and he sees me "Hello little mate" he says and I roll my eyes "Hello Empire State Building" I reply and he seems shocked "Rude" he says as he grabs me by the hand "Were are we going?" I ask and he smiles "You'll see

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I eventually see Hobie and he sees me "Hello little mate" he says and I roll my eyes "Hello Empire State Building" I reply and he seems shocked "Rude" he says as he grabs me by the hand "Were are we going?" I ask and he smiles "You'll see.." We walk up a bunch of stairs and then he end up on...the top of a building? "I remember that you like looking up into the sky so I brought you up here. That's sweet of him honestly. He looks at me then at the sky " Nice night inn't?" I nod and rake a picture of him, I left the flash on purpose "Ow! What was that for?! That was in m'eye!" I smile "Good"

Hobie's POV

I walk to the city and wait for Pavi, I was thinkimg maybe I should text him but when I looked up from !y phone I saw him. He looks so pretty- "Ello little mate" I say as he rolls his eyes "Hello Empire State Building" I was shocked, he finally had a comeback for when I call him small "Rude" I jokingly reply as I grab his hand as we start walking "Where are we going?" He asks and I say "You'll see..." I know he's gonna love where im taking him. We walk up a army of stairs and then we finally het to the top of the building "I remember that you like looking up into the sky so I brought you up here" I say as he blushes slightly, I don't think he noticed it but it was cute. I look at him and then up at the sky "Nice night inn't?" I say and he nods. A light flashes in my face "Ow! What was that for? That was in m'eye?" He smiles at me and says " Good" we both kinda sit there and look at the city below. Pavi suddenly pulls me very close to him "So, why did you say yes to me asking you out?" I love you thats why dumbass- "Because, I love ya" I say and he blushes "Thats cute~" im confused- when did he get so flirty- he smiles at me and says "What's wrong hm? You thinking about something~?" What the fuck has gotten into him "Pavitr, you good?" I ask and he straight up kisses me. He blushes and giggles "Oh my god! Your reaction was so chill-!" He says and hugs me "Shut up before I send you to hell" glare at him and he says "Im sorry but it was just super funny!" I swear im gonna kill this guy.

Pav's POV

We look at the city below, it is full of colors and lights... So pretty, I swear I could sit here for hours and watch the cars and people. It's kinda boring so I decide to mess with Hobie. I pull him very close to me "So, why did you say yes to me asking you out?" I ask because I am actually interested in why he said yes "Because, I love ya" he says and I feel myself blushing  "Thats cute~" I see his visible confusion and I smile at him and say "What's wrong hm? You thinking about something~?" Okay when I said that I sounded kinda zesty- "Pavitr, you good?" He asks and then I straight up kiss him. I blush and giggle at his reaction "Oh my god! Your reaction was so chill-!" I say and hug him "Shut up before I send you to hell" he says and it kinda scares me "Im sorry but it was just super funny!" I see him glare at me and I think to myself, I have so much rizz.

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