The Fire That Killed My Love

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Pavitr's POV

I just woke up and I'm tired. I'm going to text Gayatri

Chai: Hey Gaya

GayatriWantsUrGold: Hey Pav!

Chai: I'm bored

GayatriWantsUrGold: Same, I have a photoshoot later and I don't want to go

Chai: I feel bad for you😭

GayatriWantsUrGold: They said that they are gonna have a fake African woman with me.

Chai: Fake African is crazy

GayatriWantsUrGold: Nah bro she's some white lady who made her skin dark

Chai: That's crazy

GayatriWantsUrGold: Facts

Chai: Can't they get a real African?!

GayatriWantsUrGold: They were going to have a fake Indian before I showed up for the shoot💀

Chai: Awh checks nah😡

GayatriWantsUrGold: Really tho

Chai: Messed up x10

GayatriWantsUrGold: sorry Pav gtg

Chai: Bye Gaya!

It's been a while since I had talked with Hobie, after what happened. I think ima taking a walk so I don't think about it much. When I come back I'm gonna call Hobie "Thai! I'm gonna go out for a while!" Thai replies "OK" and I leave. I put on my spider suit and a jacket. It's cold tonight. I put on my hood and keep walking. I get bored so I practice my spider skills. It's a peaceful night anyway. I passed where we were the night before. Then everything goes blank and the last thing I remember is two guys with a knife. I wake up in some sort of interrogation room. The two guys approached me and then said "We've finally caught you, Spider-Man" Hold what did I do?! One of them keeps touching my hair and I don't like it, I'm considering it harassment. They then smile and hold up a match. Bro, they built like that match low-key.

They light their couch on fire and let the fire spread all over the room and then the whole apartment building. I was able to free myself by getting the ropes burned and then I saw a little girl "Help me! Someone help!" She called out. This building is gonna fall soon so I find a safe place for the little girl to hide. Just as I help her some debris falls on me. The little girl kept screaming for someone to help me but I highly... Oh...doubt they...can... My vision starts darkening. The girl keeps trying to call for help and I give her something "Give this to any Spider-Man you see" she nods as tears fill up her eyes.

 The girl keeps trying to call for help and I give her something "Give this to any Spider-Man you see" she nods as tears fill up her eyes

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I can't breathe... I start to see darkness...My mind goes blank and all I see is myself, but not in my spider suit...just me...Pavitr Prabhakar...

Hobie's POV

After searching for a while they find the woman's daughter but the little girl wouldn't move. She was hugging something close to her and walked over to me "H-Here" she says as her voice cracks. She hands me...Pav's headband. Everyone gets silent and stares at me and the girl "He's gone!" The little girl screams as she starts crying. I hug the little girl and look at Pav's headband. The mom walks over "Love, you is 'he'?" The little one looks down "Spider-Man! He risked his life to save me!" The mom looked at me and sighed.

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