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These Little chaos makers are who they are baby sitting: 

Marco O'Hara

Mayday Parker

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Mayday Parker

Mayday Parker

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Hobie's POV:

I walk over to Gwendy's house to help her with two baby anarchists. That's why I love babies, they run their own life and I kinda have a soft spot for babies, they are so fuckin' cute. When I get there I see Pav upside down on the ceiling with his hair all messed up and Gwendy sitting on the floor next to miles in shock, what the fuck did I miss. They all suddenly look at me "Thank god your here" Miles said to me in a exhausted voice. Pav lets go of the ceiling and lands on his feet "Those two are demons when they feel like it" he says moving his messy hair from his face. I look around and don't see anything messy until I look at Gwendy's couch which is scratched up same thing with most of the walls. Marco did that I could tell, him and his dad are the only ones with claws. Gwendy and miles stand up and return a look and then look back at me. Just then Mayday and Marco come swinging through the room. Mayday hits Miles in the face and falls over once more. Pav catches Marco and then lets him go "Ow! tum mujhe kyon kharonch te ho!" He screamed in Hindi as Marco continued chasing Mayday, why does Pavi sound hot when he speaks Hindi? Not important right now. Pavi now has a big scratch on his arm and I see tears form in his eyes but he doesn't start crying, immdeatly. The two spider babies hop out the window, miles and Gwen go after them. Why'd they leave me. I put hydrogen peroxide on a little cloth and put it over the scratch and thats when he starts crying but turns his head away from me to avoid me seeing him cry. I don't blame him, that shit hurts "You alright luv?" I ask as he slowly looks at me "Is it bad...?" He says quietly, this is the most calm I've seen him sense we met. I put some bandages on his arm and he looked up at me, I know his arm hurts to much but I can tell he's thankful. I smile at him and say "Be right back luv" I give him a little kiss on the cheek and go to join the others. Those two can be more than a handful, nah like a whole 7 people full. Eh, I blame Miguels kid.

Pav's POV

I open the door and see Gwen and miles playing with mayday and macro "Hey guys!" I waved. Gwen and miles look up "Hey Pav!" Miles says with a smile. The two babies wave at me, that's fricken adorable. I sit down on the floor and watching the two babies build a Lego tower. Gwen and Miles are talking about a new test that they are getting and they don't sound to happy about it. Some minutes had passed, it was a calm and peaceful time, until Marco started screeching like a demon and chasing Mayday around the house. A glass vase was thrown at Miles but he caught it. I finally got Mayday "May, what is going on?" Just then, that little demon pulled my hair, aggressively and crawled away. They kept throwing things at us so I got on the ceiling to avoid getting hit. Marco started scratching up everything and then they both went silent for a moment. Hobie walks in with a confused face "Thank god your here" Miles says in a exhausted voice. I let go of the ceiling and land on my feet "Those two are demons when they feel like it" I say as I move my messy hair from my face. Hobie looks around for a while and then he looks at Gwen's couch which is scratched up same thing with most of the walls. Gwen and Miles stand up and return a look and then look back at Hobie, they can even look at each other and know what they are thinking! So romantic. Just then Mayday and Marco come swinging through the room, God please no. Mayday hits Miles in the face and he falls over once more. I catch Marco and then let him go "Ow! tum mujhe kyon kharonch te ho!" I screamed in Hindi as Marco continued chasing Mayday, why'd he have to scratch me? A no would have been nicer. I now have a big scratch on my arm. I feel my eyes get blurry as I look down at it, I'm about to cry... The two spider babies hop out the window, it kinda reminds me when Miles was getting chased down by Miguel. miles and Gwen go after them. Hobie put hydrogen peroxide on a little cloth and put it over the scratch and thats when I started crying but I turn my head away from him to avoid him seeing me cry, my dad always told me that boys shouldn't cry... This is so embarrassing. the room becomes silent and Hobie stops putting the cloth on my arm "You alright luv?" he asks as I slowly turn to look at him "Is it bad...?" I ask him quietly, the scratch is pretty deep and it hurts a lot but im still scared to look at it. Hobie put some bandages on my arm and I looked up at him, I smile at him. He smiles at me and says "Be right back luv" he gives me a little kiss on the cheek and goes to join the others. Why am I blushing so much? Am I panicking right now? Did he just kiss me? Why am I thinking about it so much? Ahh! Why am I like this!

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