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"Valentina, hurry up!"

I rush past Blaise sitting on my bed as I look around my room for my other silver earring.

"I'm sorry. I can't find my earring!" I exclaim and look around at my desk.

"Is this it?" Enzo said and I spin around to see him holding it up.

I smile and rush over to him, putting it in my ear. "Thank you. What would I do without you?"

He laughs and I turn around looking in my mirror, fixing up my yellow sundress. I hate yellow on me, but Blaise insisted I look more like a lady.

"Finally, let's go," Blaise said and stands up walking over to my door.

"We will be back soon. If you want, you two can wait in here for me with Midnight," I tell Enzo and Theo.

Theo smiles as Enzo walks over to me. "Okay, we'll wait here. You look beautiful tonight, show them up."

I laugh and wave bye to the boys before walking out the door with Blaise as we walk to the dinner party Professor Slughorn invited us to, three weeks ago.


We walk into the room with the smell of rosemary filling my nose and I notice the bowels of ice cream on the table at each seat, and by the looks of it, we are the last few to arrive. I walk over to a seat and Blaise pulls the chair out for me as he then sits in his own.

"So, tell me Cormac, do you see Uncle Tiberius these days?"

The fact Cormac is here already makes me want to leave and I can guess Blaise feels the same.

"Yes, sir. In fact, I'm meant to go hunting with him and the Minister of Magic over the holidays," Cormac answers and I roll my eyes, taking a spoonful of my ice cream. The caramel flavoring melts on my tastebuds as I take another mouthful.

"Well, be sure to give them both my best. What about your uncle, Belby? For those who don't know, Marcus's uncle invented the Wolfsbane Potion. Is he working on anything new?"

"Don't Know. Him and Dad don't get on. Probably because me dad says potions are rubbish. Says the only potion worth having is a stiff one at the end of the day," Belby said, and I stifle a laugh trying not to spit out my ice cream at the statement.

"What about you, Miss Granger? What exactly does your family do in the Muggle world?"

I wipe my mouth with a napkin and look up at Monie as she said, "My parents are dentists." I watch as everyone looks at her confused. Surely wizards know what dentists are. "They tend to people's teeth."

"Fascinating. And is that considered a dangerous profession?"

I can't believe Professor has never heard of a dentist.

"No. Although, one boy, Robbie Fenwick, did bite my father once. He needed ten stitches," Monie said while quietly laughing.

I look around and feel the room get awkward but thankfully the door opens and Ginny walks in.

"Ah. Miss Weasley. Come in, come in," Professor said happily and I notice her eyes are red and puffy. She must have been crying.

"Sorry. I'm not usually late," she apologizes as she closes the door behind her.

Harry stands up from his seat as Ginny sits down and I rub my eyes, letting out a sigh at Harry because he always manages to embarrass himself.

"No matter. You're just in time for the ice cream, that is if Belby's left you any," Professor jokes and Harry finally sits down.

I look at Cormac and notice he's licking his fingers while looking at Monie which makes me shudder and look away from the gross scene he is creating.

"So, Miss Black, did you see your father before he passed?"

I drop my spoon at the question and Blaise stiffens beside me but places a comforting hand on top of my own under the table. "Uh yes, actually," I said and clear my throat. "He came to visit me once before I arrived at Hogwarts."

He nods his head and I pick up my spoon, finishing the last of my ice cream so I can hurry and leave.


I gently hold Blaise's arm as we say our byes and walk out the door, leaving the dinner party and walking back to the common room in silence.

"I was wondering when you guys were coming back," Pansy said as we walk over to them near the couch.

I give Pansy a smile and let go of Blaise, sitting down next to Theo. "That was the most boring dinner I have ever been to," I mumble and lean my head back into the couch.

"Word," Blaise said while throwing himself down next to Pansy. "I hope the next one is better."

"What did you guys get up to?" I ask and throw my legs onto Theo's lap.

"We caught up on our homework," Draco answers while closing his book.

I smile over at him as he gets comfortable in his spot. Most nights since he confessed to me about the Dark Mark, I've either slept on his floor or he's slept on mine since he can't sleep on his own which I don't mind.

"Where's Riddle?" Blaise asks and that's when I notice that Mattheo is once again not here, like every day this past week.

"Uh," Enzo stammers and Theo sends him a look. "He had to get ready for our quidditch game," Enzo said, and I can tell he's lying.

"If you say so," I muse with a grin, but it drops as I realize they all look around nervously. "You guys are acting weird."

"I'm off to bed," Pansy quickly said and rushes off.

Theo then moves my legs off his lap and stands up with Enzo, the both of them quickly saying goodnight before rushing away too.

"Now they are definitely acting weird," I mumble while crossing my arms over my chest.

Draco snorts as Blaise kicks his feet up on the back of the couch. "When are they not acting weird."

I chuckle at Draco and nod my head. "That's a good point."

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