[ iv ] blowjob

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CREATOR : f1nnsw1fee

WARNINGS : underage

RATING : mature


mike had been really confused about his sexuality lately. he thought he was attracted to women only but the past weeks were really confusing for him. he couldnt help but notice how good looking the men in the movies his mother watched were. or the guys on the posters his sister had hanging in her room. he found them really attractive. more than a straight guy should.

but what made him question himself even more was that he always got that feeling in his stomach whenever Will touched him or said his name. he also found it weird that no matter what he was doing everything made him think of Will. he was questioning himself. does he likes Will like that or is he just confused? he didnt know. but he needed to find out. he knew that the next time they were hanging out he had to address it no matter how awkward it was gonna be. he had to talk about it with someone. and Will was the person he trusted the most.


one afternoon they were hanging out it mikes basement just watching a movie in complete comfortable silence. they had the whole house to themselves.

mike knew he had to talk about it today. he wanted to. but he didnt know how to do it without making things too awkward. he didnt want things to be awkward between them. mike knew will liked guys so why would it be awkward? he didnt know but he was still scared. he wasnt even sure if he liked guys. it was all so new to him.

mike then stopped the movie and will immediately looked at him. "mike is everything okay?" he asked smiling. mike got this feeling in his stomach again. it kinda felt like his stomach just made a backflip but in a good way. he didn't answer wills question which made Will worry even more. Will then realized Mike zoned out so he decided to wave his hand in front of mikes face. "mike?" he asked again and mike reacted. "oh sorry" he apologized.

"why'd you stop the movie? is everything okay?" will asked worryingly. mike didn't know if that was the right moment to address it or if it would ruin things now. "can i ask you something?" mike then asked hesitant. Will had a confused expression on his face. "sure you can ask me anything. whats up?" will answered after some seconds of pure silence.

mike turned around so he was sitting right in front of Will. he was still kinda scared although there wasnt a reason to be scared. Will wouldnt say anything mean. "how did you know you were...." he paused in the middle of his sentence. the word 'gay' still feels kinda weird to say for him. will just looked at him confused while waiting for him to finish the sentence. "how did you know you liked guys?" mike asked his changed question.

silence filled the basement for some seconds. wills facial expression changed to something unable for mike to read. he had no idea what was going through wills head.

"well thats easy to answer. ive never liked any girl before and i couldn't imagine myself ever dating a girl. but it's different for guys. ive liked one boy before and i always imagined myself dating him. i just kind of always knew." oh. although Will had technically answered Mikes question he was hoping for something a little more. Something that would give him any sign of the clarification he needed to describe how he felt.

Mike had liked a bunch of girls before so he most definitely wasnt gay. He didnt know what exactly he was. He was definitely confused.

"Why'd you ask?" mike suddenly heard will breaking the silence. mike didnt know what to say. he wasnt sure if he should just be honest or lie. "i.." he started unsure of what to say next. "i was just wondering nothing more" he lied. it was a bad lie and he knew will noticed it was a lie. silence filled the room again. this time it wasnt a comfortable silence. will had this expression on his face again. the one mike couldnt read. mike was scared that he had said something wrong. he knew he did. he souldnt have lied.

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