[ xxx ] (its so clear) i'm in love with you

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CREATOR : anonymous_account

WARNINGS : underage

RATING : explicit



"Uh.. hey."

Mike Wheeler stood at Will Byers's front door, hands in his pockets and a nervous smile across his freckled face. Will stood in the doorway, blinking at his friend. It was dark outside, but the dull yellow porch light illuminated the pair well enough for them to see each other, the quiet buzzing of the bulb breaking the silence.

"Can I come in?" Mike asked after a couple seconds, eyes wide and hopeful. The corners of his mouth quirked up into a little smile that made Will's heartbeat speed up slightly. He wouldn't have opened the door for anyone but Mike at this hour of the night.

The smaller of the two furrowed his brow, hazel eyes squinting slightly as they searched Mike's face. His lips curled downwards in concern as he stared at his taller friend, wondering what on Earth made Mike come over at- Will glanced down at his watch- 11:03 pm? On a school night, no less.

It had started with the quiet rapping at the brunette's bedroom window. Will had always been a light sleeper, and it only took a couple taps for him to wake up. He'd peered out of the window in groggy confusion to see Mike, who had put a finger to his lips and gestured towards the front door. And so Will had snuck down the hallway and opened up the door for Mike, bemused expression painting his face.

"Sure, but uh... not to be rude, but what are you doing here, Mike? It's really late." The brunette responded, stepping to the side to let Mike through. The black-haired boy gratefully slipped past him, shoulder brushing against Will's as he did so in a way that made Will's heart skip a beat.

"I need to talk with you about something. Well, a couple things. It's... really important. I'm sorry, I wouldn't have risked it this late for any other reason." Mike replied, a trace of nervousness creeping into his tone and sending an apprehensive shiver down Will's spine. Surely it couldn't be...

Mike must have noticed Will's fearful expression, because he quickly opened his mouth again before the brunette had the chance to ask. "Nothing to do with the upside down." The taller boy clarified in a whisper. Will's heart rate returned to normal, and he let out a small sigh of relief.

A couple years ago, they had defeated Vecna and everything from the upside down for good. But even now at 17 years old, the flickering of a lightbulb or sudden noises still startled them all. As if Vecna was still lurking out there, injured but alive, waiting for the perfect moment to strike again. Which was, of course, ridiculous. Will hadn't felt Vecna since they'd defeated him, and it had been long enough that they were all pretty certain everything was over for good.

But if it wasn't anything to do with the upside down, Will had no clue what could be so important that Mike couldn't even wait until tomorrow to tell him. He tilted his head very slightly in a way that asked Mike without words, then what is it?

"C'mere." Mike mumbled in reply to the silent question, fumbling for a couple seconds in the dark living room before his hand found Will's. The brunette was glad for the lack of lights all of a sudden, a hot blush spread across his cheeks at the physical contact.

Mike quietly closed the front door, turning the lock with a small 'click' before dragging Will down the hall towards his room. Will would've protested that he knew the way to his own bedroom, but he didn't particularly mind the feeling of Mike's hand in his.

The truth was, Will liked Mike. His feelings were... much more than was appropriate to have towards his male best friend. He'd loved Mike for as long as he could remember. Even before any of the upside-down stuff. The brunette had come out to the party as gay about a year ago, and was relieved to learn everyone was supportive of him.

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