15th of september 1990 ☆

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I finally stepped out the school gates. I definitely needed another six weeks off, I'd only been in year 11 a week and I was already exhausted. Over the past year me and Gary had drifted apart slightly. Well not slightly, by a lot. We were still 'mates' but not really anymore. Now it was just awkward glances and hellos, I even talked to Phil more.

I walked down the bustling, main street. Only one person caught my eye. It was Gary with his new group of mates. I looked over just to see him looking straight back. After that, an awkward hello was exchanged.

Now I look at it and realise it was that kiss messed everything up. Sometimes I wonder if things would be different if Phil hadn't of walked in. Or if Gary hadn't had a girlfriend, the one he was still with now.

I was listening to everyone asking Gary, 'Who's that girl?' I felt a wave a hurt when he said, "Oh, it's no one," like he was oblivious to the fact we'd been best mates since we were two years old.

Then the whispers started, rumours about me and Gary. I could feel everyone's prying eyes burning into the back of my head but I was probably just being paranoid. I could see Gary's look change to one of pure annoyance, just like the one he had everytime Phil and Tracey teased us.

"Gary, you went out with a ginge? I thought you were better than that." One of his mates made gagging noises. "No, no. It wasn't like that, I mean I would never like her like that. We were just mates." Gary chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his neck at the same time.

Making fun of people's hair is so childish. We're all nearly sixteen, not four!

To be honest, I felt pretty hurt. Gary wasn't doing anything. I mean, I couldn't really expect anything because we weren't really mates anymore but still, you would think he would at least back me up.

I carried on walking, ignoring the taunting and the calls of 'Ginge!'

After I had escaped that madness I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Gary standing there. "Hiya Red, how about a catch up? We haven't spoke for months and I wanna know what you're up to and all that." He smiled.

Now that was strange, I didn't think we'd really speak again but here we were, talking in the middle of the street. Just like we used to.

"Oh.. erm yeah, that sounds good." I answered nervously, wondering what he wanted to talk about. I knew when he was lying and I knew that he definitely didn't want to catch up.

"Right then, we'll meet up at mine and we can go on a walk. Good with you?" He smiled politely. "All good with me." A small smile brushed my face.

This was great, really great even. Now I had my chance to rekindle with him after almost a year of barely speaking. And I definitely took that chance.

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