9th of may 1993 ☆

187 3 0

I woke up to a knock on the door, I was only expecting it to be one of my neighbours so I didn't put all the effort into getting ready.

I swung open the door in a rush, wiping the sleep from my eyes at the same time. "What is it this time, Nicol- Gary?" I furrowed my brows, looking at the green-eyed boy before me.

"You did tell me I should come 'round, y'know?" He frowned. "You gonna let me in then?" He crossed his arms impatiently.

"Fuckin' hell, you've only been out there two minutes, calm it." I rolled my eyes, letting him past me and shutting the door behind him.

"New hair then?" He added, flopping onto my sofa. "Yeah, what's it to you?" I scoffed, purposely leaving a gap between us.

"Red was your thing, Cerise." He shrugged, "Never thought you'd change it."

"Believe it or not, Gary. We haven't spoke in, what, two years so I don't think you really have a say in what I do or don't change." I seethed, widening my eyes at the same time.

"Stop talking to me like I've done something wrong, I really haven't." He shook his head. "You messed me about for the entirety of our teenage years?" I shrugged at him. "Does that ring a bell?"

"I didn't see it like that, I saw it like we were childhood mates who grew apart." He rolled his eyes at me. "For fuck's sake, Gary, you kissed me!" I exclaimed.

"Well I'm sorry if that mislead you, I really am, but that's in the past. Just move on." He spat back. "I can't move on if I see you on the cover of Match Magazine or on the telly though, can I? Apparently you're a regular at the bar I work at aswell." I rolled my eyes.

Everything went silent after that, until Gary spoke up again.

"Can I have a cuppa, please?" He smiled, "You make the best ones and I think you owe me a few after not talking to me." He shrugged.

"Works both ways, dickhead." I rolled my eyes at his stupid, boyish grin. "Milk and two sugars still?" I raised my eyebrows, standing up to make my way to the kitchenette I had.

"As always." He grinned, following me into the kitchen. "Weirdo." I responded, "What's the sugar for?"

"Sweet like me." His grin widened. I bit my tongue to hold back a laugh at that stupid joke. "That is the cheesiest line I've ever heard you say," I rolled my eyes, turning to face him after flicking the kettle on.

"I couldn't waste that opportunity though, could I?" He shrugged, his eyes bouring into mine. "You could, you really could. And probably should have." I laughed, trying to avoid his strong gaze.

"Too bad, you have to deal with me and my cheesy jokes again." He shrugged, his eyes still on mine. "Stop looking at me like that." I furrowed my brows at him.

"Like what?" He frowned. "Like that." I pointed at his face. "I'm not looking at you like anything." He mumbled.

"You are though and it's a bit weird." I pointed at his face again before turing around to pour the kettle. As I was doing it I could feel his eyes on the back of my head and it was distracting me.

"Ah, fuck." I winced, searing hot water trickling down my hand. I was straight to running it under the cold water. "You alright, Red?" His head peering over my shoulder.

"I'm fine, it's just a little burn." I turned to look at his face, which was on the same level as mine before looking down straight away.

"You sure?" He looked down at the same time as me, his hands grasping onto both sides of my waist. "Huh? Yeah, I'm sure." My hand drifted down to his which was planted on my left side, the burnt one still under the tap.

"Erm.. good." Gary tilted his head to one side. "Good." He nodded as I looked back up at him.

I shut the tap off, and took my hand out from underneath it. "It should be fine." I dropped my hand to my side. "You can-" I started. Gary cut me off, "Shut up." "What?" I mumbled.

"Shut up and kiss me." He whispered, his eyes flickering down to my lips before locking back onto my eyes.

I leant in a few more centimetres and our lips were connected. My right hand grasping the nape of his neck, my left still fixed on his.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come.." Gary mumbled as he pulled away. My eyes were wide.

"What about the tea..?" I followed him to the front door. "Doesn't matter." He shook his head, leaving my flat and walking off down the hall way.

"But whe-" Before I could finish he'd disappeared into the stairwell, leaving me behind once again.

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