11th of feburary 1991- continued ☆

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A few minutes after I came in a ginger lad came in, I assumed he was Paul from what Gary had said earlier. All the boys were talking, they were including Tracey aswell, and it made me feel a bit out of place.

"Cerise." I was zoned out so I ignored it. "Oi, Cerise." I looked up, seeing that it was Gary talking to me, everyone else had seemed to have gone quiet.

"What?" I furrowed my brows. "You gonna introduce yourself?" He smiled.

"I, erm.. I dunno what to say." I scratched the back of my neck. "Well," Gary pointed to the boy in the corner. "That's Nicky, the blondie next to Phil is David. Ginge in the middle is Paul and curly hair is Ryan."

"Ah, cool." I nodded. "Well, you lot. Me name is Cerise and I'm from France."

After that the evening was quiet. Well, it was for me. I didn't say anything after that. I just silently watched Gary opening his presents whilst everyone else talked.

Soon enough the evening ended and people were slowly filtering out. I was half asleep though so I wasn't really paying attention.

Before I knew it I was drifting off on Phil's shoulder.
"Come on, Cerise, you can't be falling asleep." Phil mumbled.
"Asleep? It couldn't have been that boring." Gary rolled his eyes.

Then I felt a pair of strong arms pull me over their shoulder and carry me upstairs. "Night Red." Gary whispered, putting me on his bed.

"Gary, stay." I mumbled groggily. Trying to sit up. I could see his face soften. "Alright." He whispered softly.

He climbed in next to me and pulled me in closer by the waist so we were spooning.

The next thing I remembered was the door swinging open. "Morning, lovebirds." Phil rolled his eyes. "What's your problem, Phil? Red was cold." Gary spat back.

As the two bickered I wandered over to Gary's record box. I laughed at the fact he had so many Bruce Springsteen records.

"Why do you like Springsteen so much?" I giggled, holding up Born In The U.S.A. "Oi, careful. That's the first one I ever bought." I laughed even more at that, Gary didn't look like a fan at all.

"It's not that funny." Gary scowled. "Born down in a dead man's town, the first kick I took was when I hit the ground." I mocked. "How can you even listen to that?" I giggled.

"See, Cerise gets that he's shite." Phil joined in.
"Shut up, Phil, fuck off." Gary rolled his eyes.
"You're the one who has a man-crush on Bruce Springsteen." Phil stuck his tongue out.

"I think I should get going now." I smiled, giving my goodbyes to everyone in the house and leaving.

Little did I know that was the last I would see of Gary for a while.

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