10. Horny For Human Contact (Part One)

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10. Horny For Human Contact (Part One)

"M for Matthew!" James' voice rang in my ears as I walked in our apartment.

I was extremely thankful that we didn't have a lot of things in our apartment—mainly, because I knew James would make a seriously huge mess if we did. It wasn't the best reason to be happy about not having many things, but I tried to look on the bright side.

"D for Dumbass," I called back, locking the door behind me and walking past the tiny kitchen and into our middle room.

Our beautiful single couch sat in the centre with James hanging off it, flailing his legs in the air like a child. Maybe if we had a television he wouldn't be like this. Then again, there was also a possibility that it would make it worse.

It certainly did when he was younger.

"Did you think of a name?" James asked, watching me walk around the couch and sitting down beside him.

"I got distracted," I confessed, dodging James' floundering legs.

"You didn't stalk him, did you? I mean, if you did, you'd be a match made in heaven, but still."

"No, I didn't stalk him—can you sit still for, I don't know, two seconds?" I asked, grabbing his legs, trying to stop them from moving, but to no avail.

"I was on this couch first," James said in a childish voice, and I rolled my eyes.


I dropped my arms beside me and sighed, letting my mind rest on Beth's advice. There was a part of me that wanted to doubt what she had said. That it was as simple as going up asking him for his name. However, there wasn't a lot of evidence that suggested it would be a horrible idea.

Of course, every ounce of my being that loved challenges was telling me that I needed an elaborate plan to break through the barriers he no doubt had up.

Every ounce of me was an idiot though, and I knew I should ignore that as much as possible.

"So, I was thinking we should start a study group!" James said suddenly, and I let out a groan, pulling my beanie off my head, letting my curls spring out.

"That is a horrible idea," I muttered, and James slapped my leg.

"It'll be a great way to meet new people! Plus, a great way to... meet new people. You know what I'm saying?"

"Yes. Congratulations. You can turn a sentence sexual."

"You gotta get your mind off the Matthew Magnet!" James exclaimed, swinging his legs around, and sitting on the lounge properly.

Of course, he almost knocked me out in the process.

"Or, I could learn his real name, get to know him, and not need try with anyone else."

"First of all, I like how you let me call him that. Secondly, have you seen him?"

I nodded.

"And have you seen you?"

"Okay, I know where this is going," I said quickly, but James continued.

"Someone like that—with that much badass coursing through their veins—will not go for someone like you. With, like, zero badass running through your veins."

"Ha-ha. Just because he has tattoos, does not mean he's a badass. Maybe—just maybe—he is a massive nerd and likes petting kittens," I said as James jumped up from the couch and took four steps to get into the kitchen.

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