11. Horny For Human Contact (Part Two)

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11. Horny For Human Contact (Part Two)

Feeling hot water wash over my body was something that was a rare occurrence in my apartment. Usually, it was lukewarm at best. Or plain cold—especially if I was unfortunate enough to shower after James.

Today seemed to be lucky day, however, as I let the water run down my body and bathe in the happiness that I got to take a proper shower for once, which was something I desperately needed. Not only because I hadn't had a proper shower in well over three weeks—due to only being able to last under the cold water for a tiny amount of time—but also because today was the special day.

Well, there is a possibility I was over exaggerating, but today was the day I was going to approach the mystery guy. The Campus Killer, as everyone else called him, which I was trying to stop doing myself.

For some reason, it was harder than I thought it would be.

That would all change today. It had to. I was going to get his real name. Hopefully, his name would come along with some other information, but it all depended on how much he was going to say, if he was going to talk at all. It also hinged on the hopes I didn't say something stupid.

Which was extremely likely.

I could feel my nerves creeping up, which was saying something. Usually, I was quite a composed person and rarely ever nervous. Yes, I may be a little eccentric and a little off in some people's eyes, but I had a level head most of the time and was able to think things through.

This was different though. Walking up to someone I find incredibly attractive, who could also be extremely dangerous, and striking up a conversation with them was never something I had to do. Back in the good old days of high school, there were no alleged killers I found attractive, and girls, guys, and others used to come to me. I never had to initiate. For the most part, all I had to do was sit back and wait.

Leaving high school, however, and the months leading up to university starting, I hadn't had anything like that happen, and I never felt the need to introduce myself to someone I liked either. Mainly, because there hadn't been anyone I liked.

Not until now.

However, there was the ebbing feeling that the things that people were saying—the rumours—were all true. If that was the case I would be deliberately putting myself directly in front of a killer and possibly making myself a target.

This entire thing most likely wasn't the best idea I've had, but I couldn't back down now. I was more intrigued than ever. I had to know more about him.

Besides, how bad could he be? He interacted with me already. Sort of. It was playful—I think.

There was a possibility it was demeaning.

This is why I had to talk to him. There was too much I didn't know.

"Your curls won't dry if you don't get out soon!" James' voice floated into the bathroom, and I groaned at the sound.

He was right, and I hated him for that. Damn curls.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever," I called back, shutting the water off, and hating how cold it suddenly was.

After a bit more yelling from James and a lot of complaining from me—mainly about how tired I was and how my hair wasn't drying or doing what I wanted—we were on our way to the university, a familiar beanie over my head.

"Why don't you just shave it off?" James asked, looking down at his phone while doing a weird skip next to me.

"Because it's soft and can look nice and, no doubt, someone will like to touch it along with other parts of me," I explained, readjusting my beanie so part of my curls stuck out the bottom.

"So, all in all, you want someone to stroke it."

"Yes. Yes, I do. In all ways. It's been too long. Seriously, though, getting your hair played with is one of the best feelings in the world, and I am willing to fight anyone that says otherwise."

"I agree!" A familiar voice shot into my ear.

"Jesus Christ!" I jumped as Amber suddenly appeared beside me, walking with her partner, Chloe. "Where the fuck did you come from?"

"My mamma's vagina," Amber answered with a smile.

"What a glorious image," I mumbled, looking over at James, who was looking at his pone.

"But, as I said, I agree with you. I love getting my hair played with. Plus, Chloe has the perfect touch."

"And not just with her hair," Chloe added and laughed along with Amber.

"Ha! Sex talk!" James yelled, not taking his eyes off his phone.

"Okay, James may be excited about your sex life, but it is not something I want to know about," I said, shaking my head.

"Don't be jealous because you aren't getting any," Chloe said, smirking at me.

"How many people have you told?" I asked, directing the question at James, who finally put his phone away.

"I sent out a bulletin," he replied with a smile, though losing the skip in his step.

"I would not even find that surprising," I muttered.

"But staying on the topic of Matthew's non-existent sex life," Chloe started, causing me to groan for what seemed like the hundredth time this morning.

"Hey, hey, hey. You never know, he could have got some in the last three days," Amber chimed in with a smirk.

"Oh, he has not," James said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "And I would know. Our walls are paper thing."

"Uh, well, you've only had the one," I defended, shrugging James off me, and silently thanking whatever God there was that the university was now in sight.

"Six nights ago, chick with the red hair," James corrected me, and Amber and Chloe made a noise that closely resembled an owl.

"Wait, you slept with her?" I questioned, vaguely remembering the girl James was talking about.

If I was recalling correctly, she was quite pretty. She was also extremely rude, and I am almost certain she stole something. Not that there was much to steal.



"I slept with her two nights before that as well." James smiled at me smugly, and God, I wanted to hit him.

"Oh, James is a player!" Chloe yelled as we finally reached the campus, and a few students looked at her.

"My boy is getting some!" Amber chipped in, and I scoffed.

"Yeah, well, I'm also, maybe, going to get some. So..." I said, unsure of why my ability to string a proper sentence together was failing me.

It certainly didn't help add any credibility to the situation.

"Oh?" Amber came to a stop and grabbed my arm, causing me to come to an abrupt halt.

The others followed suit.


A/N: I can't even begin to think how many errors are in this book. There is no editing happening.

BUT, you can still vote and comment and then one day I'll edit it.


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