20. Approachable (Part Two)

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20. Approachable (Part Two)

"So, we're thinking every Wednesday night," James said, as I barely listened to anything happening in the conversation.

It was Monday and we were standing in the usual university courtyard with Amber and Rachel. James had almost spoke about nothing else apart from the study group he had agreed with himself to go ahead with.

I certainly didn't say yes.

It wasn't that I wasn't interested in the idea, it was my mind was somewhere else, and at the moment, so where my eyes.

Instead of being focused on our little group and helping me pay attention to the conversation taking place, they were scouring the courtyard for Jasper, or any sign of him. Usually, where the seemed to be tension or wariness among the students, he wasn't far away.

But everything was calm and pleasant.

He was nowhere to be seen, and I felt my heart falter ever so slightly. After our encounter on Saturday night, I couldn't wait to see him again. To attempt to talk to him again and maybe find out more about him. To see where it would go.

The look I saw in his eyes and the way he moved around me made me think he wanted to open up to someone. The softness of his voice and features of his face when he spoke to me made me think that someone was me.

I could be completely off base—I had been before—but I didn't believe I was this time. I knew there was a possibility I was heading up shit creek without a paddle, a point everyone had no problem with reminding me, but it was worth a chance. Not only for me, but for Jasper, too.

If I was wrong... well, I'd have to burn that bridge when I got to it.

"I could do Wednesday nights," Amber said, and Rachel hummed in agreement.

"It could be fun."

"It will be fun!" James confirmed and he gripped my shoulder, bringing my attention back to the group. "Won't it?"

"Yeah, super fun," I said, manoeuvring around so James and I would be slightly separated from the others. "You do realise I'm going to be fifth-wheeling if things go well with you and Rachel, right?"

"This isn't—What? No," James quietly stuttered out, blushing as he spoke. "There's going to be other people. I'm a player, remember?"

"Whatever you say." I scoffed, shifting so Amber and Rachel were included again.

"We'll be sure to invite some cute guys for you," James said, keeping his arm around my shoulders. "Keep it fun for you."

As James spoke, out of the corner of my eye, I saw him.

Jasper was sauntering up the walkway toward one of the buildings on the other side of the courtyard and, as usual, everyone steered well clear of him.

"Yeah, sure, sure," I muttered, peeling out of James' arm I moved slightly away from the group to keep my eyes on Jasper.

He moved so suavely like he owned the world he lived in. I could see the confidence exuding from him even from this distance. The hard exterior of someone who knew what he was capable of.

How could I not be attracted to him?

"Jesus." James sighed, following my gaze, and seemingly catching a glimpse of Jasper as he entered the building. "Go on, then."

Not needed James' blessing, I had already started walking in the direction of the building Jasper had gone into, paying no mind to following the footpath.

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