22. Being Talked About (Part Two)

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22. Being Talked About (Part Two)

"So, did you get your socks rocked off? Or do the sock rocking off?" James asked as we sat opposite each other in a burger place at the university.

After my interaction with Caleb, I had strolled around the campus letting my thoughts wander. There was a truth to Caleb's words when there was a subtle accusation of this all being a game to me.

It was what started it all. The challenge of breaking through, regardless of what everyone was saying, and it lead me to treat the situation as though it wasn't serious.

I knew there was the possibility of Jasper being dangerous, but I always treated our very few encounters like a joke.

It was a challenge. Like, Nemo trying to touch the butt, and while, yes, I wanted to touch the butt, it wasn't going to be for the challenge.

It was going to be because I genuinely cared. I had to show Jasper that.

"No socks were rocked," I responded, poking at the bowl of chips sitting in front of me, looking at James eye his massive burger. "Mine or otherwise."

James picked up his burger and took a bite.

"You have zero game," he managed to say with his mouth full of food.

I scoffed at him as he continued to make a mess with his food, chewing in the most unattractive way possible. It was like watching a racoon juggle trash in its mouth.

"Maybe it isn't about game. Maybe I wanna get to know him."

"And how exactly is that going for you?"

"I know he has a brother," I said, still letting my mind sift through everything Caleb had said.

I was interested in Jasper for more than the challenge. From what I had seen, there was a lot to discover under the surface, and he seemed to care about me. Driving me home from the university because he didn't want me to walk home alone in the middle of the night. Not wanting others to blacklist me because I chose to be near him. The softness and loneliness I saw in his eyes.

I had considered how I felt toward him a crush before, and that hadn't changed, but there was more to it.

James sighed as he swallowed.

"I'm going to actually try to like this guy, aren't I?" He asked, and I shrugged.

"Just don't be a dick about him."

"Fine." James inhaled deeply. "I'll be nice. I still think you should get some action on the side though."

"I don't need any action," I defended, though we both knew that was a lie.

"Yeah, sure. You're likely to cross the finish line before the starting gun has been fired."

"Shut up—" I started, but James did no such thing.

"You'd erupt like the volcano at Pompeii before the city was even build. You'd let loose like Kevin Bacon before the movie even started. Untouched by The Veronicas would be playing, and that's exactly what you would be, but you'd go off anyway—"

"I get it!" I said, managing to cut James off and stop him in his tracks. "Ha-ha. I haven't had sex in a while. Maybe I want a connection before diving in, head-first."

"And you think you're going to get that with The Campus—" James stopped and took a deep breath. "With Jasper?"

"Maybe. As little as I know him, I still like him."

"And like you said, the other day, you know what you're doing." I felt James gently start to kick his legs around under the table as he continued to eat.

"Yeah," I said quietly, still feeling the heat of my earlier conversation.

The good thing was, James was on my side. In a begrudging way, but it was still something. I didn't doubt that he would come around at some point. We'd always managed to eventually see eye-to-eye about everything—usually after a few arguments—but this was different.

If what Caleb said was true, then getting to know Jasper would make me as much as an outsider as he was. I didn't know if Amber, Chloe, or even Rachel would stick by me if I pursued Jasper, but knowing I had James, it didn't bother me too much.

We'd been together forever and been through a lot and we were still best friends. Hell, we'd even been outcasts ourselves at one point, but we still had each other.

Knowing James was going to make an effort with the Jasper situation, made me feel a bit less of an asshole for how I'd been treating it.

"So, what's your plan?" James asked, his mouth full of food once again.

"Can you not talk with your mouth full?" I asked, and he shrugged again. "I don't know. He doesn't want me to see him at the uni 'cause of what people might say or do."

"Right. Helpful," James muttered after swallowing a bite of food I'm certain he didn't chew. "Why not slip him your number somehow?"

"What? Like bump into him and slip it into his pocket?"

"Yeah. Why not? 'least you'd be able to talk to him."

"I guess that could work. I mean, he did also come into work the other week. I could wait until he does again."

"Still a public place with other people around, though. Maybe corner him at the gym showers late at night again," James joked, and I felt my face heat up.

"I didn't corner him!" I defended, trying to kick James under the table but missing. "He happened to be there."

"You're welcome, by the way."

"Ow!" I yelled as James returned the kick I missed by placing one on my right shin. "For what?"

"If I had told you we wouldn't've had water, you would've showered before work and not had to make that trip. So... you're welcome."

"Yes. Thank you for making me walk through a crumbling neighbourhood in the middle of the night. I'm lucky I didn't get stabbed."

At my words, James opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again, tilting his head slightly and holding a look on his face I knew all too well.

He had been about to say something he thought twice about. No doubt it was about Jasper, and he didn't need to say it aloud for me to know what it was going to be about.

"Was that going to be a sex joke or a murder joke?" I asked, and James squinted.

"Was going to try to work them both in there somehow."

"Good to know you're not going to let up on that."

"Eh, life's too short to constantly tread on ice," James said, kicking me again.

"Ow! Can you not?"

"If you want," James started, ignoring me, "you can invite Jasper to the study group."

I let James' words sit between us for a second before responding.

"Invite him to a place where other people will be? Yeah, I'm sure he and everyone else would love that."

"I'm just saying; I'd be okay with it." James scrunched his face up as he spoke, and I let out a chuckle.

"Yeah, it really looks like it."

As James and I sat there eating the food we really couldn't afford, I let my mind drift back to Jasper and I felt my stomach twist and turn as though someone had let a whole zoo loose in there.

I didn't know what my next step with Jasper was going to be, but I did know one thing. Whatever I felt for Jasper was genuine.


A/N: Look at James trying to be a supportive friend still. God, love him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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