18. Definitely A Crush (Part Two)

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18. Definitely A Crush (Part Two)

Letting out a small sigh, I quickly got dressed and sat down on the bench next to my bag. I wasn't looking forward to Jasper seeing where I lived. Hell, I didn't even like seeing where I lived. The thought of getting up and leaving before Jasper was finished crossed my mind, but I couldn't bring myself to do that. I had started to reach him I didn't want to throw that away.

If getting to know him better and getting closer to him meant that he would have to see the neighbourhood and even apartment building I lived in, then so be it. At least I no longer had to worry about getting sweaty on the way home.

Unless my mind went somewhere it shouldn't.

God, it was hard to think of things when a hot guy was showering almost right next to you.

Thankfully, it wasn't long before the shower turned off and I patiently waited for Jasper, my eyes trained on the lockers in front of me with my back turned to the showers. I didn't want to risk seeing something I shouldn't.

"Don't look," Jasper's voice came from behind me, and I did almost look as soon as I heard the words, but I managed to control myself.

A part of me felt I should've left the changing room to let Jasper get dressed, but I would've have to walk past him to get out. Though, surely, he wouldn't change with me in the same room. He would ask me to leave.

Wouldn't he?

He wouldn't stand behind me with no clothes on and get dressed.


The movement and shuffling I could hear behind me was an indication I was wrong, and I could feel my face begin to heat up. I did my best to keep my mind from settling on the mental image of Jasper getting dressed, though it wasn't the easiest thing to do when it was happening a meter away.

"Alright," Jasper's golden voice slipped into my eyes, and I shot to my feet and spun around.

Perhaps too quick and eagerly as I stumbled when I got to my feet, and Jasper raised his eyebrows at me. Avoiding his questioning look, my eyes scanned the rest of his body. The running attire he had been wearing was now replaced with an older singlet top, littered with holes, allowing small glimpses at the tattoos beneath, and pair of slim fitting black jeans.

God, he could not be any more attractive.

"You good?" Jasper asked, drawing my attention to back to his face.

Strands of his damp, black hair dangled in front of his face, and I had to fight the urge not to walk over to him and brush them out of it.

"Always," I managed to say with a small smile, before pointing to one of the tattoos on his right arm. "I like that."

It was a black dot underneath his shoulder with four lines drawn down over it inked in red, made to look like claw marks.

"Thanks. It's my kill count," Jasper said with a smirk, moving to grab his bag and sling it over his shoulder.

I felt my heartbeat quicken, though it wasn't because of what Jasper had said. It was because I had caught the smell of him as he moved, and I could not control myself.

God, I was a mess.

"Oh, nice," I said after a second, realising I had gone quiet. Keeping my eyes on Jasper, I grabbed my bag. "I would have one of those too if I were following your look."

Jasper squinted slightly and tilted his head. "Really?"

"Oh, yeah. Except it was a rabbit," I muttered, moving past Jasper, toward the changing room's exit. "And it was an accident. Hit it with my mum's car when I was driving at night. Cried for, like, three days."

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