12. Horny For Human Contact (Part Three)

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12. Horny For Human Contact (Part Three)

"And who might you be getting some with?" Amber asked, and I could feel my face begin to heat up.

It may not be in my best interest to tell my friends about what I was planning to do. The main reason being that they all had very strong feelings about me staying away from the Campus Killer. Also, because if it didn't work, I would never live it down.

Like the nipple guy.

"Wait, who's getting some?" I heard Rachel before I saw her, and her voice made my face go even redder.

"Oh, good. Now there's this asshole," I muttered, and James slapped my arm before pointing at me.

"So, it's you that's going to get some," Rachel said, and I turned to look around to see her smiling next to James.

"Tiers, Rachel! Tiers!" I reminded her. "The whole pyramid thing I explained at one point! I think it had something to do with pyramids..."

"Jesus Christ, shut up and tell us who's getting a piece of you," James interrupted, raising both of his index fingers and touching the tips together. "Or... who you're... getting a piece of..."

Everyone in the group was now looking at James, confusion written on all out faces as we watched him slowly look around at each of us and lower his hands.

"Do you not know how the sex works?" I asked, squinting at James.

"I do not."

"Do you want to know?" Chloe asked, trying to contain her laughter.

"Let's just let him figure it out on his own," I said, not wanting to get into any sex talk.

"Yeah, let's forget James' weird interpretation of Matt having sex, and let's find out who the sex will be happening with!" Rachel said with excitement.

A small growl escaped me. as I started walking again, making my way towards the university's main courtyard.

I knew I shouldn't have cared if they knew who I was trying to get a piece of. Which wasn't even the case, as I just wanted to talk to him—though I wouldn't mind a sample.

The fact was, I had never given a damn what people thought of me or what I did. I had always been loud and outgoing—doing things I knew I should not have been doing. I was used to people judging me, silently or otherwise. Even my friends.

So, why was this different? Was it because he was a crush? Maybe it was because deep down, a part of me thought everyone was right about him and talking about him would stir up a judgmental side of me.

While all of those were true to an extent, along with the fact I didn't want to solely be interested in the mystery guy because it was a challenge and talking about it seemed made it seem like I did.

They weren't the only reasons.

I also didn't want to tell my friends about who I 'wanted to get a piece of', was because I didn't want to refer to him as the Campus Killer. Because then they would win. And I sure as hell wasn't going to lose.

Except for all the times I had. But this was not one of those times.

"You know, if you tell us, we'll stop asking about it," Amber said, jumping in front of me, stopping me in my tracks again.

"That is the biggest lie you've ever said." I shook my head, moving around her, scanning my surroundings for The Campus Killer.

It didn't count if I didn't say it out loud.

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