19. Approachable (Part One)

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19. Approachable (Part One)

Jasper was seemingly all I had on my mind the moment I woke up after our midnight meeting. It had been a while since I had been riding on such a high all because of a boy, but I couldn't stop myself from thinking about him.

The way his hair fell messily over his forehead with stray stands hanging in front of his eyes. His beautiful emerald eyes which held such pain and a story I wish I could dissect.

Despite what everyone had been saying about him, he did not seem to be anything like the person they made him out to be. Yes, there was a rough exterior and obviously a very real criminal record, but there was a softness to him. A whole other story beneath the surface that nobody cared about.

Of course, I still didn't know one hundred percent when he was joking, and some of the comments he made the night before did play on my mind. I wanted to believe he wasn't a killer, and I definitely hoped he wasn't.

However, a thief?

I mean, what kind of university student can afford a car like the one he was driving? Especially one who had recently gotten out of prison.

Was I being a hypocrite for starting to doubt Jasper's past or even who he currently was? Maybe. But from the start I knew he had done something. Of course, no matter what he had done, I didn't expect him to be doing it now.

Did that change anything for me? Would I still be pining over him regardless of the things he's done or does?

I didn't know.

Well, actually, yes, I would be pining over him.

But for everything else, I'd have to wait and see. I wanted to believe in the best of him, and not only because he was attractive and—from what I gathered from the night before—sweet. I want to believe in the best of everybody.

So, until I got proof. Physical, undisputable proof he was a danger to me, I wasn't going to let it go. In spite of what everyone else thought. Regardless of how many times they will tell me to drop it and let it go.

He's done bad things in the past—whatever they may be—but haven't we all? Hasn't everyone done things they regret or wish they hadn't? Yes, Jasper's may be more severe than other people's, but does that write him off from getting a second chance?

I certainly didn't think so. He deserves one as much as anyone else and I was going to do my best to give it to him.

If other things happen along the way, it's a bonus .

God, I hoped other things happen along the way.

"Matthew!" James' voice pierced the air of the quiet Sunday morning and jolted me out of my not-so-quiet thoughts. "Matt! Matty! Matthew!"

"What?!" I yelled back, rolling over on my mattress and tucking myself further into my sheets.

"I figured out a name for our study group!" James called back and I could tell he'd moved to stand right outside my door.

"What study group?" I groaned, wanting to delve back into the thoughts of Jasper.

"The one I said we should start."

As James spoke, I heard my bedroom door open and I shoved my head further into the one pillow I had. Sunday was the only day I had to do nothing now I had started university. It was the one day I didn't have any classes or shifts at work, and all I wanted to do was stay in bed and do nothing.

Well... maybe not nothing.

But then there was this asshole.

"I didn't think you were serious," I mumbled as I heard James' footsteps approach my mattress before it sunk as he sat on it.

I really needed a bed frame.

"I was extremely serious," James retorted, and I felt him tucking at my sheets, no doubt playing with them to keep his mind occupied.

"You've never studied."

"I told you, it's to meet people. It has nothing to do with studying."

"Then why don't you just... I don't know, go out and meet people?"

"Then where would the finesse be? The secret sauce? You gotta think buddy. Use that head."

I rolled slightly to look at James and show him my scrunched-up face. He had to see I thought he was an idiot. As I looked at him I saw him tying the corner of my sheet into a small knot, paying no mind to me.


"Hasn't bothered you before," I muttered before it clicked. "This is about Rachel, isn't it?"


James dropped my sheet and turned to look at me. His face was wearing a shocked expression as it flooded with the colour red.

"Come on. The girls you're usually with would not come to a study group, but Rachel?"

"I'm a player, Matty," James said quickly, turning away from me and letting his eyes dart around my uninviting room. "I don't get little crushes like you. I don't get tied down. And trust me, with me apart of the study group, all sorts would want to be involved."

"Do you listen to yourself talk?" I asked, rolling back over and closing my eyes, hoping the image of Jasper would be plastered on the inside of my eyelids.

"Not really. But anyway, the name."

I groaned.

"The Sound of Study."


"Mad Study."


"Study Hard."

"Are you just replacing a word in a movie title with study?" I asked, attempting to pull my blankets over my head but failing.

Glancing around to see why, I saw James now playing with the end of them. Again.

Why the hell was he so strong?"

"Yeah. They're popular for a reason."

"Okay, can you get out of my room now?"

"Why? Got plans?" James joked, tugging my blanket gently to annoy me.

"Yeah. Enjoy my day off," I retorted, sending a kick James' way, which he easily deflected. "Which I can't do with you in my room."

"Oh. Enjoy." James gave me a few nudges, and I rolled my eyes. "Well, alright. I'll leave you to it while I think of some more names."

"Fantastic," I muttered as James pushed himself off my mattress and walked toward the door.

"Need anything? Prison jumpsuit? Handcuffs? Anything for that fantasy of yours? I could throw some blood on you—"

"Oh, my God. Go away," I said, grabbing my pillow and throwing it at James as he ducked out my door, closing it behind him.

I stared at where he had been and let my eyes trail to the floor where the only pillow I had now rested.

I was going to have to get up.

God fucking damn it.


A/N: To be fair, Matt seems like the type that would be into handcuffs and roleplay.

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