Chapter 1: Bully

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*As told by Chloe* (2003-2006)

I hated middle school. I was awkward girl with poor social skills. My name is Chloe Salazar. Super skinny about 5"5 pale complexion with freckles, long black hair and green eyes. My father Fernando Salazar was born in Madrid Spain and my mother Amelia Salazar was born here in Las Vegas but is Irish decent. The only thing I looked forward to was my after school sport, golf. I started playing with my father when I 6 years old and developed a passion for it. While others found golf to be extremely boring, I found it be intriguing and exciting.

I did well in most of my classes, but started to struggle mentally when my bully Christian Chavez moved to Las Vegas from San Bernardino. Christian and his parents were from Mexico and his family moved the states in 2001. I went to Victoria Fertitta Middle School. Christian was a tall boy of Mexican decent, short messy black hair, tan skin, and chocolate brown eyes. He was often times accompanied by two other boys, Ahmed and Tanner. Unfortunately all 3 boys were in my English class. Christian originally was supposed to be in 7th grade, but was held back a year due to skipping too many days. I luckily had two of my best friends Susan and Milan in classes with me as well.

I cant recall what was ever taught 6th through 8th grade in some classes. For three years Christian never seemed to leave me alone. The only days of relief were weekends, holidays, and whenever Christian was be suspended. I suppose I was an easy target for him because I was socially awkward. Christian would throw things at me, poke me, and the name calling. "Ugly Bitch" was his favorite to call me. He'd make fun of everything about me, but mostly commented on my appearance. Even when we didn't have classes together, he'd attempt to trip me in the hallway, or knock my binders and textbooks out of my hands. This continued all the way through until I graduated middle school. I prayed that high school, would provide me with more opportunities, education wise and for golfing. I was ready for summer. Father and I had planned a trip to a golfing resort in Parhump Nevada to celebrate me graduating middle school. I just didn't expect what would happen just right before I started my first year of high school.

A/N: The first 2 chapters are mainly the narrative of the story before I hit the dialog of the characters so naturally chapter 1 and 2 will be relatively short, So just bare with me for the time being... Anyway I hope its a good start and I hope you all enjoy!!!! I also may or may not add illustrations later on, idk at the moment....


Sierra Ann (Sj West)

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