Chapter 8: Certain Feelings

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*As Told by Christian*(Spring 2008)

I slowly and quietly entered into Chloe's room. It appears that she was still asleep. I walked up to the side of the bed and lightly tapped her on the shoulder. She shifted a bit then opened her eyes, "Christian?" she whispered as she sat up in bed. Chloe rubbed her eyes and yawned. I stood there in awkward silence giving her a minute to fully wake up. A few moments what seemed like hours passed before I decided to break the ice. "You weren't at school today, what's wrong?" Fearing I already know the answer. "Christian, I need to ask you something and be one hundred percent honest with me please!" Chloe questioned me while looking down. I swallowed hard preparing for what was to come. "At the beginning of freshman year why did you approach me? What was it you were trying to apologize for?" Direct eye contact was made, which made me even more nervous. "I wanted to apologize for bullying you during middle school."

Embarrassed I maintained eye contact. Chloe remained silent and her face was expressionless so I decided to continue. "I was awful to you. I pushed you in the hallway, knocked, binders out of your hands, and called you ugly ugly names.... please forgive me, I'm so sorry!" I held back tears the best I could. "Why didn't you tell me anything? What were your true intentions of approaching me?" I took a deep breath and replied, "I honestly just wanted to apologize for everything I had done in middle school. I was confused to why you didn't remember me until I heard the news. I didn't want to overwhelm you or upset you." I continued, "You were so warm and kind, even if my intentions were being just a friend, but I fell for you. I just wish I could've seen the beautiful person you are. I was angry and took it out on you an others. However it not an excuse, so again I deeply apologize." Chloe sighed and responded, "You should of told me, I would have understood even if I couldn't remember it. I had a dream of that horrible memory in middle school. I woke up crying , feeling overwhelmed and that's why I skipped out on school today." "Please tell me everything" Chloe pleaded,  "You are always so hesitant to talk about family. I understand if you don't, but in time I'd like to know what you were going through." I stayed quiet for a minute, "It's a lot, I didn't want to have to burden you with my problems. "I finally spoke up. Chloe pinched the bridge of her nose, "It's not a problem Christian. I'm your girlfriend nothing you can say now will scare me away, after all I just recently found out I had fallen in love with my middle school bully."

Embarrassed, I held the back of my head looking down and staying silent. "Alright, I will tell you everything, but please promise me you'll come to school tomorrow!" Chloe smiled and hugged me. "I will, tomorrow is Friday we can go somewhere and talk how does that sound?" I held Chloe's face in my hands and smiled, "Of course, sounds like a plan." We were about to kiss when Mrs. Salazar walked in, "Oh Christian, I wanted to ask you if you'd like to stay for dinner?" I smiled, "That sounds great! May I use the house phone for a minute to call my folks?" "Go ahead, it's on the kitchen counter." Mrs. Salazar replied.

*Chloe's Point Of View*

For dinner my mother cooked empanadas. We all sat down and mother asked Christian about the types of food he eats and how they slightly differ from Spanish cuisine. Father got home shortly after we ate and mother made his plate while he greeted Christian and I. After dinner we all sat down and watched Bedtime Stories, another Adam Sandler movie. It was getting late and Christian needed to get home and help his siblings get to bed. "I'll walk you out" I led Christian out the door. He turned to me, "I'll see you at school tomorrow?" he asked. "Yes!" I replied, "I promised you that I would!" Christian looked worried. "Is there something bothering you?" I asked. He hesitated for a moment. "Just lots of anxiety I suppose, Just relieved you still want to be with me, let alone even be around me after all that's happened." "The past is the past I'm not going to let it define our relationship. I do believe you're intentions are good unless you prove otherwise." I paused for a moment. "I do need sometime to process everything that has happened, the dream and the pieces my therapist and I put together, and the fact Susan and Milan were hiding things from me as well. I'll have to confront them about this as well. The sooner the better." Christian sighed in relief. "Thank you Chloe!" We kissed and hugged goodbye and I went inside to get ready for bed and to set out my clothes and school stuff for the following morning. I fell asleep hoping tomorrow at school would go smoothly.

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