Chapter 6: Love

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*As told by Chloe* (Fall 2007- Winter 2007)

I was so happy when Christian asked me out. The whole summer he had been such a gentleman. I had only dated once, a boy in 8th grade Justin. He was cute and super shy. I have to admit this was more of a puppy love. At the end of 8th grade Justin's parents transferred him to a private school and I haven't heard from him ever since. But the feelings I have for Christian couldn't compare. Our relationship was a whole different feeling. I had told my parents the day after the 4th. They were happy for me but reminded me to not let my grades slip and to stay focused in school. What had slipped my mind was not telling Milan and Susan I was dating him the whole summer. I felt like they weren't ready to know. I already know when I tell them they would not be too happy, but I didn't care. I just hope in the future they would eventually accept him. I spent the last 2 weeks of summer break with my folks before another busy school year. I was excited to start my sophomore year with Christian and my friends.

My Sophmore year officially started, and the best part was starting it with Christian. We had looked over our schedules previously and discovered that we had three classes together. English, Science, Homeroom, plus Lunch. We were delighted to know we'd be seeing more of each other in school. I ended up having 4th period math and 1st period P.E. with Milan and Susan. I was still trying to find the courage to tell them I was dating Christian. I figured I'd tell them at the end of math class before I go to homeroom with Christian. I still wondered what Milan and Susan had against Christian. I was feeling frustrated like they were hiding something from me, or they know something about Christian that I don't.

I had let a whole week of school slip before telling Milan and Susan about Christian. After 4th period I got the two of them alone to tell them the news. "WHAT THE ACTAUAL HELL!!!!" Susan nearly screamed. "Shhhhhhh" I attempted to shush her. "I figured something was going on between you two. You guys sure spent an awful lot of time together!" Milan chimed in. "I figured you guys wouldn't be happy with it.." I replied glumly. "Of course we're unhappy with it Chloe! It's Christian Chavez out of all the guys to be with!" Susan said angrily. I started to loose my patience. "What is so wrong with Christian Chavez? What do you have against him? I literally just met him last year!" Susan went quiet then spoke, "We don't like him. He's not a nice person, he's a fucking bully!" "Are you hearing yourself right now Susan? Christian has done nothing but treat me kindly since I've known him!" My anger had seemed to silence my two friends. "I don't give a damn if you don't like Christian, because I do! Come talk to me when you realize that." I turned on my heels and left. I headed to homeroom feeling tears in my eyes. "Christian Chavez a bully? Wat the hell are those two smoking?" I dried my eyes before getting to homeroom. I didn't want Christian to see that I've been crying.

The talk between my friends didn't go well at all. However my worries seemed to disappear as soon as I saw Christian. I sat down next to him to tell him everything. "Well they were pissed as I thought they'd be. I also kept you from them all summer." I took a deep breath before continuing. "They called you a bully! Can you believe that!" I felt myself getting worked up, so I stayed quiet and took some deep breaths. I caught Christian briefly looking glum until he caught my gaze and smiled. "I figured as well, But they'll soon come around out you just see." Christian got real close sending shivers down my spine. He took his fore finger and thumb under my chin to pull me in for kiss. "CHAVEZ, KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF!!!" the teacher yelled startling both Christian and I. "And Chloe, I expect better from you!" The teacher added. "Yes ma'am!" I answered as Christian and I sat back down in out seats. Christian gave me a smile and a wink before our homeroom teacher started announcements. Christian always had a way of cheering me up.

I was determined to have Milan, Susan, and Christian to be on good terms. I wanted my two best friends to like the person I was dating. I had arranged a weekend to have a lunch date with all four of us. "Please Susan, give him a chance! He really is a good guy." Everyone had agreed to do lunch at Chili's. Milan's parents dropped off her and Susan while Christian picked me up from home and agreed to take Susan and Milan home afterwards. We all sat down, ordered drinks and to my surprise Christian started the conversation. "So Chloe taught me how to play golf....." It was silent for a moment, "And?" Susan replied. "Well, I sucked and I also somehow managed to trip over my club." Milan who was drinking her coke, nearly spit it out. "Oh wow! That bad?" Susan scoffed and rolled her eyes. The rest of lunch was pretty much small talk. I felt like Susan and Milan would never accept Christian. After lunch he took my friends home and my dad allowed for him to hang out at the house for little bit. He was allowed to be in my room as long as the door was open and at least one parent home. There was a strict no boys allowed while parents weren't home. I first had Christian watch my favorite movie Happy Gilmore with me. He thoroughly enjoyed that.

*As told by Christian*

After the movie Chloe took me to her room. She showed me her manga and anime collection, and her huge trophy case filled with golf achievements. She went to the bathroom and let me look around. I spotted a yearbook that looks like it hadn't been touched in months. I grabbed it off the shelf and dusted it off. I opened it up and immediately looked up Chloe Salazar. Seeing her 6th grade picture made me kind of sad. I looked up my own picture, I had no beard and a stoic expression on my face. I didn't recognize myself at all and it terrified me. I started to put the book away when Chloe walked in. "Whatcha got there?" I jolted up handing her the yearbook. She opened it up and looked up herself then me. She already knew we went to the same middle school because she had asked what middle school I had went to. Chloe had no idea before I told her that we went to the same middle school. I was silently praying that my yearbook photo wouldn't trigger her memory. Chloe smiled, "You don't have your beard!" She playfully touched underneath my chin. "We look so young don't we?" She closed the book and put it away. Chloe smiled at me as she sat on her bed. I went over and joined her. It was quiet for a moment and Chloe yawned and laid down. She motioned me to join her. It felt so good to be cuddled. I haven't been this close to Chloe. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me on top of her. Things were getting heated with kisses until the house phone rang startling both of us. We sat up as we heard her mother answer the phone. It was an emergency work call and Mrs. Salazar had to leave which means I had to as well since her father was still at work. Nothing had happened I controlled myself. I didn't want Chloe to feel like I just wanted sex. I wanted to take things slow. I bid farewell to her mother and hugged and kissed Chloe goodbye. As I drove back to my house I was just baffled that Chloe doesn't remember those awful days at middle school.

*As told by Chloe*

Everything was going well with Christian, and Susan and Milan were even starting warm up to him. And by warming up I mean less snide comments. It was a start. Winter break was approaching and I had a bunch of ideas for dates and get together with Susan, Milan, and Christian. I had a feeling that this would be a busy but exciting winter break. Christian and I spent a lot of time together. We  both decided to abstain from sex until we were ready. Life was too busy and it was risky, plus I was a virgin. I had little to no knowledge about sex. My parents had me constantly busy with golf throughout school to keep me busy and away from risky activities. Smart on their part. Now that I have a serious boyfriend, physical contact had to be kept pure. Christian respected where I stood on the topic of sex, and I was grateful. We were both just excited for winter break to start and to spend it together.

A/N: Next chapter fore warning gets a bit emotional. I had previously have a rough draft of chapter 7 written before publishing this chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Buckle up for Chapter 7!!!!


-Sierra Ann (Sj West)

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