Chapter 4: Forgotten?

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*As told by Christian* (January 2007)

It's been 2 weeks since winter break and the start of the second semester. I had went to the counselor because I had accidentally gotten a class I already had a credit for which means that my whole schedule had to be reset and I'd have my classes at different periods. If I was lucky I'd end up having a class or two with Chloe. I was praying as I overlooked my new schedule. And as luck would have it I had 2nd period English and 8th period History with her. I felt guilty for being excited but at the same time I was hoping I'd get the chance to talk to her. I really wanted to make things right with her before it was too late.

The Monday following I had went to my classes according to my new schedule. I couldn't wait to get through 1st period Math. I constantly kept checking the clock on the wall for the class to end. the bell finally rang and I rushed to get to 2nd period. When I reached the classroom I saw Chloe wave goodbye to Milan and Susan. I stayed back until they rounded the corner and were out of sight. I had waited a little longer until Chloe went inside and I followed seconds later. I was just glad I had a class without her friends around her. I know for a fact that Susan and Milan hated me and would protect Chloe from me. I know for a fact that their actions against me are justified. For all that I've done they have every right to be apprehensive. As I walked into the classroom, I spotted an empty desk next to Chloe's so I took it. She was already taking out her supplies before the lesson. I finally caught her gaze and gave her a smile. She smiled back and tucked her long black hair behind her ear. I didn't want to stare so I looked back down at my textbook. As class started I began to get lost in my thoughts again. "Gosh she really is cute, I cant believe I ever called her ugly!"

After class I stopped Chloe before walking out the door. "Hey!" I caught her attention. "Hi" Chloe smiled, "You're that boy I saw about a week ago right? Carlos was it?" "Uhhh no it's Christian, Christian Chavez." I corrected her politely. I cleared my throat nervously, "I thought you were someone else when I stopped you in the hall last week." I lied. "Its ok" Chloe said with a smile, "Lets start over, I'm Chloe Salazar, it's nice to meet you." she extended her hand. "I'm Christian Chavez, it's nice to meet you too!" I took her hand in return, "I hope we can get to know each other better." Chloe smiled, "I hope so too." She waved goodbye as we separated for our next classes. Walking down the hallway I thought myself, "Wow I really am I stranger to her, would it be wrong of me to become her friend, someone who used to hurt her? Could I actually be someone she could trust?" I went through the rest of my day until 8th period. I had History class with Chloe as well, but Milan and Susan made it their mission to keep me at bay and far away from Chloe as possible. It was only during 2nd period was I able to freely talk to her.

*As told by Chloe*

After 8th period, Susan, Milan, and, I went to golf practice. I always invited them to watch me play as they are my biggest supporters. "So Chloe..." Susan spoke, "I see you are talking to Christian Chavez in the hallways I don't know why..." Susan stopped herself for a moment remembering my amnesia. "He seems nice and I have 2nd period English with him." It was silent for a second. "Is there something wrong with him?" Susan hesitated, "No I just heard he was a troublemaker. Just be careful around him." "Oh ok." I replied quietly. To be honest, even though I was warned, I enjoyed 2nd period English with him. Christian had told me he was in football, and I had told him I played golf. Christian would invite me to watch his games and in return I'd invite him to come to golf tournaments. He was one of the very few boys that had a personal interest in me.

Once again going against Susan's warning. I had built up the courage to ask Christian if he wanted to spend time after school. So I took the initiative and asked him if he wanted to take a walk in the park that was close to the school. I met up with Christian after 8th period. I chose today because I knew Susan went to Catholic CCD on Wednesdays and Milan had dinner with her family. "I'd love to go!" Christian said excitedly. Luckily I had no golf practice and my parents were fine with it as long as I returned home by 5:30. Everything was set up perfectly. I wasn't sure if I'd ever get a chance like this again. I was excited to hang out with Christian outside of school.

*As told by Christian*

Chloe had asked me to hangout with me at the park after school. Something that I was too chicken to ask myself. I was nervous but delighted she had asked me. Luckily the park was empty so we sat on the swings to talk. Chloe was the first one to break the ice, "So tell me more about yourself!" I started getting nervous. I had to be careful about what I said so I don't accidentally trigger a memory. "Well.." I began, "I have 6 siblings, I am the second oldest. There's my older brother Daryl who is 21, then there's me, Sofia who is 14, Angel who is 13, Miguel who is 10, Lucia who is 7, then Adriana who is the youngest, she is 5." "Wow that's a large family, I'm an only child." Chloe confessed, "It's just me, mom, and dad." Chloe told me that her father is from Madrid Spain and that her mother is from Ireland, and that she can speak and understand Spanish fluently. We had talked for a good hour and half until 5:00. I offered to take her home. I had a drivers license and I was allowed to borrow my uncles work truck on days he didn't need it. I wouldn't feel right to leave and her to wait on a taxi. After arriving to her neighborhood I walked her up to her house, and before leaving I grabbed her hand and kissed it. "Thank you Chloe for giving me your time today!" I could have sworn I seen a blush creep on her face. "No problem!" She just smiled. I gave her a hug and she went inside. I can only hope I can win her heart. What I feared is that her memory of me would return, and that she would end up hating me.

A/N: I apologize about these past few chapters being super slow. I promise it will pick up rather quickly before getting to the climax! I really hope everyone likes it. I put quite a bit of thought into each individual character. I enjoy writing down Christian's point of view as he becomes more of a main character. I promise it gets a lot more interesting...


Sierra Ann (Sj West)

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