Chapter 9: Progression

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*As Told By Chloe* (Summer 2008-Summer 2009)

The night Christian dropped me off I was worrying about his meeting with his father. This is the same man who put his mother in the hospital. I was more worried about Christian getting hurt or him loosing his temper and ending up in a physical altercation. I also had golf tournaments to worry about. Like last year this summer is going to be a busy one. I was just happy Christian opened up to me and talked about his family and the things he had went through. I just hope it all goes well.

Monday arrived and I asked Christian about what his plans were. "I wrote him a letter asking if he wanted to meet up after he got out and I asked for a letter back in response. It'll take about two weeks to get a response most likely." "What do you think he'll say?" I asked. "Who knows with that man." Christian seemed out of sorts and super stressed out. I decided not to ask any further questions. He did not say anything to me for the rest of the class. When the bell rang after first period Christian was the first one to get up and leave. I had to rush out of my seat to try to catch up to him. "Hey!" I yelled. Christian looked back. "I'll see you at homeroom." I waited for a response but he just nodded and waved. I stood there thinking to myself. The stress from his possible meeting with his father must be getting to him.

Fourth period rolled around and I asked Susan What their plans were for the summer. "My parents and I are going to Vietnam for the summer to see my grandparents." Milan said. "My parents are sending me to some lame church camp for a month." Susan added rolling her eyes. "Oh I see" I responded glumly. "Do you have any plans for the summer?" Milan asked. "Oh just golf tournaments maybe spend some time with Christian." I can't recall the rest of our conversation. I was thinking too much about Christian's meeting and golf tournament. What I really wanted was to talk to Christian and see if I can be of any help.

Christian had beat me to homeroom and didn't talk to me much beyond the occasional small talk. I decided to confront him after lunch. "Christian can we talk please?" He stopped saying nothing. "Please talk to me I know you're stressed, I want to help." Christian huffed. "Why do you think you can save everybody? I told you it's not your problem and I told you not to get involved?" He turned around rather quickly. I grabbed his arm. "WHAT?" he shouted angrily. "I'm not trying to save anyone I just want to talk that's all!" Christian shoved my hand off his arm. "JUST LEAME ALONE, FUCK!!! I should have not told you anything!" Christian stormed off leaving me bewildered and hurt.

I didn't see Christian for the rest of the day. Seems like he skipped out. Luckily I had golf practice today so he didn't need to take me home. After today I don't think he'd want to. My coach picked me up and I headed to practice. My performance was sloppy and the fight between Christian today had been messing with my head. "Chloe, What's going on your head isn't in the game! We have the pro Tournament at the end of the summer!" "Sorry coach just lots going on been studying for my SAT's." I lied. "Well you seemed stressed how about I take you home and you get some rest" I didn't fight the idea so I let coach take me home early. I walked inside and it seemed no one was home yet. Thank goodness. My mom could always sense when something was troubling me. It was hard to lie, to her at least. I grabbed my self a glass of water and a quick snack then wrote my parents a letter that I was headed to bed early due to a headache and to not disturb me. Another lie I suppose but I did have a pounding headache. I lied down thinking what I could have possibly done wrong.

*Christian's POV*

I woke up feeling awful. I said such horrible things to Chloe. I'm sure she hates me now. When I arrived at school I saw Susan and Milan walking I stopped the two of them. "Have you seen Chloe this morning I can't find her anywhere!" "She had an eye appointment this morning she wont be here until after lunch." Susan replied. "Why is there something wrong?" Milan questioned. I didn't hesitate to tell them. "I yelled at her yesterday then left school and told her to leave me alone and that I should have never opened up about her past. I feel awful. I'm sure she hates me now. If I keep messing up I might just loose her!" "Look you listen, Chloe isn't the type of girl that thinks that way. I've known her since kindergarten and she's the most forgiving person I know! Apparently you don't know her well enough" I looked down at my feet. Susan continued, "People argue in a relationship they fight, but do you know what they do? They grow some damn balls and they fix it! When she comes back after lunch you tell her exactly how you feel and don't you DARE leave anything out." Susan's sternness shocked me. "That girl loves you more than you know! Think about what I said. I'll catch you around Christian." Susan left and I was amazed I thought she couldn't stand me but she actually woke me up and helped me. I'm not going to let her down I'll go straight up to Chloe and tell her everything. After all Susan was the one girl who couldn't be bullied. She was made of stone, but boy is she an amazing friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03 ⏰

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