Chapter 2: Accident

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*As told by Chloe* (summer of 2006)

Summer of 2006, father treated me to a golfing trip in celebration of graduating 8th grade at a resort in Parhump Nevada. We planned to stay for two weeks. I stayed up half the night packing, and the other half wide awake with excitement.

Father and I woke up at 6am. We took showers, ate breakfast, packed up the car, and out the door by 7am. Parhump was only 62 miles west of Las Vegas, so it wasn't too far a of a drive. It was about an hour and 20 minutes. We should arrive at the resort by 8:30am to check in by 9:30am. We said our goodbyes to mother and headed out.

Father and I headed for Parhump, my excitement building. We listened to our favorites Rascal Flatts, Nickelback, and Tim McGraw. About 45 minutes into our drive there were two Mustangs illegally racing on the other side of the highway. One of the cars lost control and hit the barricade dividing the roads. They flipped into the air, and slammed into the passenger side of our 2006 Honda Civic.

I blacked out on impact. Father had little to no reaction time to move out of the way before the Mustang slammed into us. Father and I were both life flighted to Desert View Hospital in Parhump. Father luckily only spent a week in ICU. I was put into a medically induced coma for two weeks. The owner of the Mustang died on impact.

My mother was called immediately, and I could only imagine how stressed she was, fearing she'd loose her husband and daughter. While father and I were supposed to be golfing, swimming, and relaxing, we spent hospitalized and in a coma. Mother arrived at the hospital after she received the call. Father woke up before I had. The night we were scheduled to leave the resort, I woke from my coma. The first thing I saw was father and mother at my bedside with tears in their eyes.

A/N: Has anyone been to Parhump? I went back in 2003/2004 and there wasn't much besides the resort I mentioned in this chapter (I forgot the name I'm sorry ), Parhump is relatively a small town :D So this is the last chapter until we start getting into a little bit more dialog. Chapter 3 and beyond will be much longer and with more detail. I will try to post a few times a week as long as my daily schedule doesn't kill me :D Enjoy!!!!


Sierra Ann (Sj West)

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