Chapter 3: Amensia

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*As told by Chloe* (June of 2006 -January 2007)

After 2 weeks I woke up from my coma. My father who never left my side since his quick recovery became startled at my consciousness. Mother who was called by the hospital had also not left my side. All I can remember is waking up confused and nor remembering a single thing that had happened. The next thing I knew there was a doctors and nurses asking me a series of questions like, "Do you know who you are? Where you are? or What happened?" I only knew one out of the three which was my name. My father was able to recall the accident leading up to our hospitalization.

I was able to recognize my name, my parents, my two best friends Milan and Susan, and my sports and hobbies. The doctors had asked me about the accident my father had reported, but I wasn't able to remember a single thing. Doctors asked me about certain events in my life like elementary, middle school and birthdays, most of which I couldn't recall, even when pictures were provided. Doctors then took me to go get CT scan and an EEG test. After a few hours of waiting, we received some unsettling news.

"You have Disassociate Amnesia." A type of amnesia where you can retain information, post trauma, but past events may be partially or even completely forgotten. Whether or not lost memories would return, doctors could not say. There was a very high chance that my lost memories would never return. I would spend another full month in the hospital. Prior to waking up they were able to stop bleeding in my brain and stabilize me, so I was ready for the physical therapy. Father and I were lucky to be alive. During that month I went through tests and therapies. As weeks went by I had been passing tests and exams, all except for one, the memory test. I was able to remember a few of golf tournaments and the spring break trip with Milan and Susan. Before I was to be discharged, I was provided with medication and to continue out patient therapy sessions back in Las Vegas.

Out patient therapy was going well. Some memories I had gained back, others were fuzzy, and still a handful that have not at all yet. I was gaining them back slowly but surely. I was starting my first year of High school at Sierra Vista High School for the 2006-2007 school year. My parents offered to home school me but I declined. I was hoping attending a public school would trigger lost memories, plus Milan and Susan were both zoned for this school. I also had a promising spot on the golf team. I felt like there were too many opportunities to pass up.

As the new school year started, I was doing well in my classes. No one really bothered me and I stayed to my self most of the time. During lunch I saw a fellow freshman Cody being bullied by an upperclassman. I decided to say something, "Hey what are you doi" A new memory was triggered. The look of anguish and humiliation on the boy's face was oddly familiar. "I was bullied but by who and where?" The upperclassman interrupted my thoughts, "Hey you ugly bitch are you going to say something, you think you're tough?" Still ignoring the bully, I thought to myself once again, "There it is, I remember those exact words being said to me at some point." No matter how hard I tried I couldn't match those words to a person. I snapped back to reality and just simply replied, "Thanks for taking care of my friend here but we'll be leaving!" I took the boys hand and rushed off before the other boy could say anything else. "Thank you so much for sticking up for me!" Cody said with gratitude. "It's nothing, anytime!" I replied back. As Cody and I walked to 6th period I was once again lost in my thoughts. I felt like the first time since the accident being utterly confused and doubting my memories.

Winter break came and went, and there were memories I could not remember, which had me stressed out thinking about it constantly. It was driving me crazy. While walking to 2nd period English I bumped into another student. The boy looked rather surprised, "Are you Chloe Salazar?" he asked. "Umm yes, can I help you with something?" I responded. "It's me Christian Chavez, I wanted to apologize for...." "I'm sorry!" I interrupted, "Do I know you?" I left in a hurry feeling awkward. Christian just stood in the hallway bewildered. I felt a little bad for leaving him standing like that. He was rather cute but I think he had mistaken me for someone else.

*As told by Christian*

I sat in History class wondering what the hell just happened. Does Chloe really not remember who I am? Tanner, who was sitting beside me whispered, "Yo I saw you talking to Chloe Salazar in the hall, what up with that? You know that girl is weird as hell!" I ignored Tanner's rude comment. In all honestly I just wanted to apologize for all the horrible things I had said and done in middle school, even if Chloe didn't accept it. I harassed her constantly until I was moved to an alternative school for troubled teens in 8th grade Now she doesn't even know who I am. What's going on?

I finally got my answer to my question about Chloe. I had P.E. with one of Chole's friend Susan. Susan was the friend that didn't take crap from anyone and that wasn't afraid to stick up for Chloe and talk shit to me even after bullying her. She was made of stone. I had overheard her talking about Chloe. An accident?.... a traumatic brain injury last summer? I had to know more. I went straight up to Susan to ask what happened. A bold move on my part. "What the hell do you want?" she asked in a snarky tone with a look that could kill. I cleared my throat, "Ummm is true that Chloe was involved in an accident and got hurt?" Susan rolled her eyes, "Yea she was, what is it to you?" My facial expression made her laugh, "Wait don't tell me she doesn't remember you! Serves you right!" Susan continued, "After all the pain you caused her mentally, you deserve to be forgotten." Susan quickly left with another group of her friends. I was let standing there once again questioning myself.

As I was left alone I thought to myself. "Is this what Chloe felt like when she was being bullied by me?" I've been picked on before as well it had never phased me before, but for some reason the guilt I felt from Susan's harsh words were more than likely true. It was better for her that she didn't remember me at all. I felt tears prick at the corner of my eyes. I now more than ever wanted to apologize. But how would I go back doing that? She doesn't even know who I am! What is the possibility of having her memory of middle school triggered when I try to explain myself? She now knows that I'm a fellow student. All it would take are those memories being restored and she would know exactly who I am. Whatever the outcome I wanted to try. Even if that meant Chloe resenting me.

A/N: Wow this was a lot... I like how I added Christian's POV as he's just as important to the story as Chloe is. Anyways I'm not sure if other chapters will be as long as this one. There was a lot of editing and extra detail added as I typed.... One more thing to address, If you're wondering how Christian had such a change of heart after years of being a bully? Further chapters will reveal Christian's life changing event.... Hope you enjoyed!!!


Sierra Ann (Sj West)


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