Chapter 5: Trust

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*As told by Chloe* (Spring 2007- Summer 2007)

At school the next day I met up with Susan and Milan before first period bell rang as usual. Before classes we usually share how our evenings went. Susan rambled on about how boring CCD was and how her mother was pushing her to complete confirmation within the church. Milan had told us her family went to IHOP. "Well damn, I'm glad one of us had good time." Susan said glumly. "My parents are on their weird Keto diet.", Susan sighed and continued. "So Chloe, how'd your evening go for you?" "Oh I studied a bit then I watched some anime.", I lied. "Jeez you and your anime." Susan chuckled. "You should join us sometime." Milan chimed in. I laughed along with them, but felt guilty for lying to my best friends. I am sure if they knew id hung out with Christian yesterday they'd shit bricks and bombard me with questions. I wondered what their warning meant. I just hope I wasn't getting myself into something I wasn't supposed to.

*As told by Christian*

The best part of school was 2nd period English. Chloe was very good in English and often helped me during class. If I was to be honest, I wanted another excuse to be around Chloe. But at the same time, I needed the help. After class I asked Chloe, "Hey, do you think you could stay awhile and help me with this English assignment?" Chloe smiled, "Sure, I'd love to help, my parents wouldn't mind if I stayed out later if it is for studying." "Great!" I replied excitedly, "Ill see you 8th period." While it was true I wanted Chloe's company, I did need help with the English assignment that was due soon. I told Chloe I'd meet her at the library while she said goodbye to Milan and Susan for the day. As I headed towards the library I felt a strange feeling of excitement. Was I falling for her?

I was so deep in thought, I wasn't watching where I was going, and crashed right into Chloe, "Crap, I'm sorry!" I apologized profusely. Chloe was holding her nose, "It's ok, see... no blood!" as she held up hands. She looked at me for a second, "What's wrong? You seem a little distracted." I put my hand behind my head in embarrassment, "Ya, just worried about my grade is all." Again I lied. "Jeez I have to stop lying to her...." I thought, "But I don't want to reveal my feelings for her quite yet." Chloe clapped her hands, which snapped me out of my deep thought. "End of the year assignment is super important, so pay close attention! So lets try our best." I took a deep breath and prepared myself to be focused. We spent 2 hours studying resources and preparing for a final draft. Afterwards I offered to take her home again. Before Chloe went inside I grabbed her hands like last time, "Thank you Chloe, I feel a lot more confident in my grade now!" "No problem!" Chloe responded brightly. We stood there in silence for a brief second. "May I give you a hug?" I asked. Without another word Chloe brought herself close, and wrapped her arms around my neck. Her hug was warm and comforting. She is so sweet, caring, and selfless. My inner thoughts tormented me, "Do I really deserve her kindness?"

Our Freshman year was at an end and I was secretly hoping that Chloe wouldn't be too busy. I know how her golf schedule gets during the summer. Between golf, her family, her friends, and me, I'm wasn't sure if we'd get much time together. The one day I was hoping she'd have free, was the 4th of July. I had something special planned for the two of us to do together.

*As told by Chloe*

Freshman year was finally coming to an end, and I had to prepare myself for a very hectic summer. I had to fit in time for golf, my family, Susan and Milan, Christian, and most importantly myself. I knew for fact that golf tournaments fell on the weekends and Susan and Milan like to go out to eat once or twice a week. That left 3-4 days for my parents and Christian. On a positive note, I'd invite Christian to tournaments then hang out with him afterwards. I decided to ask Christian if he wanted me to teach him how to play golf. After finishing up a tournament one Saturday afternoon, I met up with Christian. "Hey, how would you like to play some golf with me? I could teach you." Christian laughed nervously, "I've only ever played mini golf a long time ago when I was a kid." "Its ok!" I said reassuringly, "You gotta start somewhere right!" "Right!" he said as he prepared himself. "Oh and don't worry!" I added, "My dad offered to take you home if you needed." Whenever everyone had left, My dad, Christian, and I took the golf cart back to the first hole to start the lesson.

Even after the tournament, I has just enough energy to teach Christian for a couple rounds, especially if it meant spending quality time. We went to the first hole. My dad was the first to demonstrate. Next I helped Christian on how to hold a club properly. I stood back as I let him take his first swing, "FUCK!" he mumbled under his breath so my father couldn't hear. I interrupted, "It's ok!" I reassured him, "Just take a deep breath and focus, it doesn't matter how far you hit it..... one step at a time." My words seemed to have calmed him quite a bit. He took a second to adjust his position and took another swing. He hit the ball surprisingly far. "Excellent!" I exclaimed, "Lets continue." Christian did pretty decent for his first time although he managed to trip over his club a few times. "That was fun and all but we're playing football next time." Christian protested as we packed up to go. I laughed, "That's fine by me, sounds exciting." We found a free Sunday where Christian took me to a field to teach me how to throw and punt a football. As June came and went Christian had something important to ask. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the fair with me this 4th of July? I heard that they are in town for a few days." I was ecstatic that he had asked me. Honestly my only plans this 4th were hanging out with Susan and Milan mid morning to afternoon for a few hours then the rest of my day would be free. I would just spend it reading manga or watching anime. "Susan, Milan, and I should be done by 1:30pm. You can pick me up then." I responded back over the phone. "Excellent! I'll see you them!" We hung up and I stood there smiling, counting the days until the 4th of July.

*As told by Christian*

As planned I picked up Chloe at 1:30 when she called after her mall trip with Milan and Susan. My uncle ended up giving me his old work truck so I was able to use it whenever. I picked up Chloe and we headed to the fair. "It's been forever since I've been to the fair." Chloe confessed. "I haven't been to the fair since I was a child." I added. I parked the truck and opened the door for Chloe. She got out and we headed toward the entrance. I extended my hand to hold Chloe's and she surprisingly took it. I took her on rides and bought us a late lunch, and in return she bought us dip and dots and refused to let me pay. Before we knew it we had killed 6 hours. The sun was starting to set. The sunset was prefect for what I was planning. I took a deep breath and turned towards Chloe. "I had an amazing time with you... " I took a deep breath, "I was wondering if you'd like to be my girlfriend?" Chloe turned bright red, "We do have such a good time together, and yes I would love to be your girlfriend!" I smiled and leaned in and gave her a sweet and gentle kiss. She returned it then gave me a comforting hug. After it got dark, I wanted to see if she wanted to go to my uncles place to do fireworks with my siblings and cousins. Luckily we got permission from her folks, so we headed back and drove off to my uncle's house.

We arrived to my uncle's house and immediately greeted by my siblings and cousins. "Hey everyone, I want you to meet my girlfriend Chloe." All of my younger female cousins and siblings ended up stealing her for a few to show her their stuff. My family absolutely loved her. My uncle had the Carne Asada and Fajitas going when we arrived and they were about done. We had ate all the delicious food my uncle had cooked then gathered the kids for fireworks.  I was able to get Chloe alone for a few moments while everyone was distracted. I was able to get a few kisses and just spend a few minutes holding her. I loved the physical affection and it had been awhile since I've been truly in love. I have been with other girls in the past but never felt how I feel with Chloe. "Thank you so much for allowing me to love you." I said as I held her. She looked so happy in my arms. She looked up at me, "No, thank you for accepting me!" She stood on her tippy toes to give me a quick peck. We went back to join the others. It was starting to get really late so I took Chloe back home. I led her up to her doorstep. "Thank you for spending time with me and allowing me to be yours." "You're welcome, I enjoyed every second with you." I gave her one last kiss for the night taking my time with it. "I'll call you!" Chloe smiled at me, then went inside. I went back home as well, pleased at how the day went and went to bed looking forward to more days like this in the future.

A/N: I felt like this chapter was pretty well off... much longer than the other chapters. Been wanting to take my time with gradual progress with the plot... anyways I hope everyone enjoys it and will look forward to future chapters....


Sierra Ann (Sj West)

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