Chapter 7: Returned Memories

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*As told by Chloe* (January 2008- Spring 2008)

I had a blast during winter break. I was off season for golf, so I has plenty of time to spend with Christian, Milan and Susan and my parents. Christian personally came over Christmas day to hand deliver his gift to me. I definitely wasn't ready for break to end. It seemed most of the time spent with Christian was over at my place. He briefly told me that there was drama between his family that he didn't want me involved in, so I didn't question it further, I just enjoyed his presence. After a well rested winter break, I prepared myself for the second semester of 10th grade. It had been a year and a half since the accident and the loss of my memories. I still attended therapy every other week, and it seemed to be helping a little. Some memories came back, while others were like a foggy haze. I will still determined to get more back. I knew there had to be more. I felt like there was life events that were still missing. But what was it? What was missing?

Returned memories would often appear in dreams. I would consult my friends and parents to determine if the dream of that memory was accurate. My therapist told me to keep a dream journal, and every session we'd review the dream journal, and it seemed to help strengthen the memories that were recorded. I had even recoded certain life events that were shown to me by picture that I couldn't remember. I had made a checklist, and every time a memory was returned, I'd check it off. For example  my 5th grade graduation, I had a dream I was walking on stage, and I saw my parents in audience. I had also remembered what my elementary school looked like. More and more was falling into place. 10th grade was going well, and I started to get busy with golf again. Practices were picking up so it was going to be a lot harder to see my friends and Christian. Even though I got busy, I still made an effort to see them.

I had a therapy session one day after school. Dr. Wilson asked me about my friends. I decided to tell him a piece of information I needed his professional opinion on. "My friends Milan and Susan are not fond of Christian." "Have they told you why?" Dr. Wilson asked. "No, and they seem to stop themselves from saying certain things when we argue about Christian, like they're hiding something." I paused for a moment. "Christian also seems to be uneasy at times. I think the 3 of them know something I don't." "Hmmm..." Dr. Wilson pondered, "Perhaps they are withholding memories that could potentially be harmful?" I thought about what Dr. Wilson had said. "It's strange, Susan and Milan always tell me everything. What could they be possibly hiding?" Dr. Wilson interrupted, "Has anyone of your peers ever hurt you in the past? Perhaps bullied you?" I stayed silent for a second. "I don't think so... I believe I'm well liked." Oh shit, I had just remembered something Susan had mentioned. Last year when I started dating Christian, Susan had complained that he was a bully. I also recall during my freshman year I had bumped into Christian in the hallway.... the look on his face, he was trying to apologize for something when I asked who he was. "NO FUCKING WAY!!!" my thoughts screamed at me. "Why an I just now piecing this altogether?" Dr. Wilson was onto something. That's why he's the best in the state of Nevada! I decided to lie to Dr. Wilson. "I'm still not sure!" I said with hesitation. To be honest if I let loose the pieces between Susan's accusations and Christian's apology.... I feared what Dr. Wilson would have said. "Alright Chloe, I feel were getting close to a breakthrough. I want to see you next week!" He put his pen and clip board away. "Oh, and if you can try to get more information out of your boyfriend, Susan in particular, ask questions Chloe, don't be afraid. This will be your task for this week." And with that the session ended. I was disturbed by the pieces that were falling into place. Could Susan actually be telling the truth?

As a new week started and I pretended nothing was wrong. It was getting harder and harder to focus on school and golf. Dr. Wilson practically told me to interrogate Susan and Christian. I couldn't even remember moments before the accident, only what was told to me post coma and my father's report afterwards. I was getting scared to sleep. What would my dreams reveal? I decided to finally ask Susan about the events in middle school. I put a note in her locker during lunch to meet me in the library after school. After school I rushed to the library to wait for Susan. Minutes later Susan arrived. "So you needed to talk?" Susan and I both sat down at a table in the library. "So I talked to therapist last week, I need to know about middle school.... and about Christian Chavez..." Susan looked a little annoyed, "Fine... I apologize for withholding information from you..." She began, "You remember when we met in 5th grade and how excited we were to be going to the same middle school? We were excited for 6th grade!' I nodded, "Yes we did!" I smiled recalling the memory. Susan continued, "Well everything was fine until a new student was transferred from California. This particular student was in our 2nd period English class. Do you remember the teacher Mrs. Vaughn?" I shook my head, "No, not really!" I responded. "Ok, well this new student started picking on you all throughout 6th and 7th grade." "What happened to this student?" I asked although I had pretty much figured out the student she was referring to. Susan continued. "He left in 8th grade, but no one knows why...." There was a long pause. "This student.... was Christian Chavez....." "So it's true then, makes sense. When you caught us talking in the hallway freshman year, he was trying to apologize for something and I didn't know who he was." Susan looked away, "Ya because he asked me about you when had I had P.E. and I made it clear to him that I didn't like him and for him to stay away from you." Susan hesitated with her arms crossed avoiding eye contact. "Ok Susan, that's all I need, thank you." I rushed out of the library not caring that I left Susan behind.

The ride home was silent. It all makes sense now. Christians apology... what were his intentions on being my friend? More importantly why did he fall in love with me? Is he just using me? What does Christian want from me? I didn't call Christian like I usually do before bed. I had too much on my mind. I was trying to wrap my mind around everything. My mind was racing. I eventually settled down enough to fall asleep.

"Dad turn it up, I love this song!" I cheerfully asked. "Do you think we'll meet any pro-golfers in Parhump?" Dad chuckled. "Maybe!" I looked out the window. I suddenly heard loud engines of two cars racing each other on the other side of the highway. "DAD LOOK OUT!" I screamed, everything went black and I saw a light thinking it was the end of my life. I walked towards it. I ended up in a classroom. "Where the hell am I? This looks familiar." Next thing I knew I felt rough hands give me a harsh push into the ground. I winced in pain. I picked up me head to see Christian hovering over me and like the yearbook photo, had no facial hair. He was also accompanied by two other familiar faces. Ahmed and Tanner were their names. I stood up attempting to walk away holding my arm in pain. "You gonna cry you ugly bitch?" There it was. I tried turning my back but before I could Christian snatched the binders from my arms. "Hey Christian wait!" He didn't listen and threw my binders down the hallway. I was enraged feeling tears in my eyes. Ahmed, Tanner, and Christian all laughed as they left the classroom.

I woke up drenched in sweat with tears running down my face. I looked at the digital clock at my bedside. It was 5:00 am. I have an hour before I had to get ready for school. My dad was in the kitchen making his coffee. "Dad..." I said with tears running down my face. "Please can I skip school today, I can't go!" Dad got up from his recliner, "Did a memory return?" He gave me a hug while I cried, "Say no more. I'll contact the school and tell them you're not feeling well. Go back and rest daughter."

*As told by Christian*

At school I was stopped by Susan. "Hey look, I think Chloe may have an idea about who you are. I think you and her need to have a conversation." "Ya..." I responded in monotone. "Is there any particular reason why Chloe didn't show up at school? She didn't call me last night either!" Susan just shrugged and walked away. "Ok, whatever, I'm going to see Chloe after school and make sure she's ok. I'll figure this out for myself." After 8th period I got in my truck and sped off to Chloe's house. I ran up to the doorstep and knocked a little too hard. Her mom answered the door. "Hello Mrs. Salazar is Chloe home?" I asked with panic in my voice. Mrs. Salazar let me in. "She's in her room!" I nodded, "Thank you!" I hurried down the hallway. Chloe's door was shut. I carefully and quietly twisted the handle to let myself in.

A/N: I Got lazy and it took forever to post this chapter.... Things start to go down next chapter.... a lot will get unleashed..... Please enjoy


Sierra Ann (Sj West)

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