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"y/n!" i look up and see kyungmun waving at me and running down the lecture hall towards me. "i am glad you made it on time!" mhm. you are glad your work made it on time "the bus was packed it was late" "really?...oh my mom was there too ! did you see her?" i put bag down on the table and try to find the usb flash drive. i did indeed see your mother "no, i didn't" he sat down on the table and looked at me "weird... she had some appointment today-" i put the flash drive in his hands "here. go back to your friends, they are waiting" "thanks y/n, you're a life saver" and there he went, back to his friends. like always it had been. i hate to hear those words from his mouth. life saver. he is just using me.

"good morning class" the professor was already at the front taking out the attendance book. "let me check who have arrived to today's lecture" while he calls the students names i pack my stuff out. study papers "lim kyungmun" "here!" books and pencil case "jung y/n" "here" computer and my notes "choi hyunwoo" "here" that voice. i look up to see that guy from bus earlier two rows down answering professors call. he is in my class, but i never noticed him. i close my eyes and sit down. today is awfully weird. that guy is suddenly every- y/n. stop overthinking. just how you didn't see him before, it won't be hard to not run into him. focus on school. two months and i am free.


"well anyways...thank you" she turned around and dashed away. suddenly i am now alone in the bus stop with my cap after this bus ride. she looked pretty stressed out. well whatever. not like i have anything to do with her anymore. i have lecture to attend too after all. it is very cold outside and one layer of hoodie wasn't a good help to block the breeze at all but somewhat i felt warm. after getting out if the bus. it wasn't warm in bus too. the jacket. she had warm jacket on, that's why.

i arrived to lecture on time. wouldn't be good to be late. today is the presentation day. easy game. we had to work alone this time. "y/n!" now who the hell shouts so loud in here this early? ah of course, that guy would- bus girl? he was all smiley with the girl, while she never bothered to look at him. she looked different unlike before. when we met in the bus. anyways, i didn't know she would be in this class. they both headed up and went past me "oh did you happen to see my mom?" his mom. they really don't look like a couple. she always looks away, doesn't bother to talk much. she casually shoved him away. i guess that's her personality.

"good morning class. let me check who have arrived to todays lecture" bunch of names of people i never knew and never will know. "lim kyungmun" "here!" the lovey dovey and annoying guy who knows her. "jung y/n" "here" i hear it from behind. unbothered answer. jung y/n her name is.. whatever. "choi hyunwoo" i raise my hand up "here" and the attendance list goes on while i run through my presentation papers.

"alright, as you all know, today is the presentation day. you all probably have worked hard so i am letting you off early. as you finish to present your work, you can go" whole class cheered till professor shushed them down "is someone willing to go first?" "me professor" him. proudly stepping down to the front of the class with y/n's flash drive. hmm...? we had to work alone though? i turn around. she doesn't care. even a tiny bit. she just works on her computer while he is about to present "his" work.

it is well made presentation about some culture event ideas with stats, pictures, everything needed. this isn't 1 or 2 hour work. way more. and it is interesting to read, but it didn't look like he made it. at least i didn't believe it at all. too often read from presentation, acting like he knows all, shows off. "thank you kyungmun. very intriguing. you worked really hard on this one. i see... you edited your file last time at 3 am, but you don't look tired at all" the acting is disgusting indeed, yes professor~ i did work late at night, but doing things i like only brings me energy..." she was now looking at him. tired, frustrated and the gaze was mad... all the signs from someone who's work was being used. professor only laughed and applauded for him. "excellent work kyungmun, you may go" he bowed and went back to his place.

my serotonin // xikers hyunwooWhere stories live. Discover now