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"ahh finally we're having lunch together" sumin wraps his arms around jinsik's and yujun's shoulders. both respond by taking his hands off. "hyunwoo wrote in the group chat that he isn't sure if he will make it to lunch" minjae is scrolling through his phone all the time as they make their way to the cafeteria. avoided everyone in his way perfectly. mostly because yujun dragged him from side to side. "he has got really busy lately" "he is probably working hard to get my coupons back" yujun answered jinsik with a bright smile gummy smile and marched towards the cafeteria. all of them got faster away from the lecture which means the line will be shorter and the food assortment will be bigger. "minjae just spoil your youngest child with coupons. he is so obsessed" "say that again and i am never letting you borrow my homework" typical minjae and sumin quarrel. they arrive at the cafeteria while laughing about minjae's response and stand in the line. yujun turns around to minjae and looks down at his shoes. "so you're abandoning me?" "aish- YAH YUJUN! DON'T EVEN START!!" minjae looks at all of them while throwing his finger at them. sumin and jinsik cover their mouth and look away, so they don't burst other student eardrums with their laughter. yujun just smiling, laughing, and enjoys teasing his oldest hyung.

the line goes forward slowly, even though there are not a lot of students in the line. sumin looks around and notices some girl who just stopped running to the cafeteria. wah...very eager to be first in line... wait, isn't that the girl from sports day? and why does she look so worried? "sumin why are you staring at that girl?" jinsik stood behind sumin and peeked at the girl over sumin's shoulder. "remember that girl i talked about on sports day?" "that's her?" "is it me or she looks very uneasy" yujun now is also peeking at her, but over sumin's other shoulder. she is looking over the dining hall, then at her phone, around her and again the same. "should we talk to her...?" "you do it, she only knows you" and right then both jinsik and yujun turn around as if they didn't just talk about the girl. "sports day injured girl?" she looks at sumin and recognizes him. "green-haired guy?" only yujun almost broke out in laughter. hahaha, green-haired guy.

"haha yeah, it's me. how's your leg and arm?" she got closer to the friend group. "oh yeah, good as new" jinsik and yujun were not facing them, but both peeked at them. minjae is totally unbothered, already ordering food. that's the girl hyunwoo knows and told us to take revenge for? both look at each other and back at her with a curious look. "glad to hear. you really didn't deserve that. i hope the jerk isn't bothering you..." "yaAh guys! come order your food already!" minjae yells as he makes his way to find a free table with full hands. they are next in line to order and they are holding it. "ah... have to go, it was great to see you" he smiles at her and takes the plate. he is going closer to jinsik when y/n slightly pulled his sweater. "excuse me, but..." "hmm?" "could i have lunch with you...?" that surprised sumin. he had contact with her only for a couple of minutes... her eyes are anxious. "it's just... that jerk again" sumin understood and nodded. "sure! go first" he gives her his food plate and let her go order food first. she can't even have lunch peacefully alone? what's wrong with the guy?

all 4 of them make their way to the table where minjae is already eating. "ooh? whos girl- i mean... hi, who are you?" he empties his mouth, realizing how rude he almost was. sumin sits next to minjae and jinsik, yujun and y/n sit down at the other side of the table. "i am jung y/n, hyunwoo's classmate. we work together on project" "oh! we have the same last name!" yujun gives his biggest smile and offers his hand. "hi, i am jung yujun, hyunwoo's friend" she shakes his hand and smiles faintly. yujun's personality made her forget about what trouble she is in. "i am ham jinsik" he only smiled at her and bowed. a polite and shy friend of hyunwoo. "i'm choi sumin, the green-haired guy" "his hair looks like a watermelon, doesn't it?" minjae points at sumin's hair, trying to make y/n laugh. " i am kim minjae" he gives her his hand and they greet.

all of them are different from hyunwoo. they smile a lot and make so many jokes to lighten up the mood. y/n has never been in such a friend group. even though she got to know them only now, she likes to be here with them. the atmosphere is nice. she admired hyunwoo's friends. "sorry if i come off rude, but who is that jerk who pushed you?" "ahh... well, we have been family friends since birth, our families are close" "and he treats you like that?!" yujun couldn't understand, how could someone be rude to a person that almost like your family? y/n only scoffs back and smiles sarcastically. "yeah, but i do have to say, i enjoyed watching how you and jinsik crushed him down during the game" minjae looks at all of them and feels left out. he puts the spoon back on the tray. "what did i miss?" sumin drinks milk, and clears his throat. the return of sumin the storyteller.

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