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doorbell rings two times, filling apartment with loud noise. delivery guy arrived finally. i rush to the doors and open them without looking who's on the other side. "good evening. here's your order. enjoy your meal!" "thank you!" i took the packages out of his delivery bag and closed the doors. who thought it would be so easy to work with someone else? so i am treating myself today to celebrate this moment. way to go y/n. you're finally free from that jerk and his endless tasks. i can finally peacefully work. i put the both packages on the table and sit down. i take of the cover and the food is still warm. the steam travels up, filling kitchen with wonderful scent. oh my god, it will taste like heaven ! i can't hold back anymore so i dig in.

the ribs melt in my mouth as i chew them and the kimchi stew is just perfect after a rainy day. it might taste even better if i try putting the meat in the stew ! i peel the meat off from the bones, add them into the soup and give it a taste. oh my god... i fall back in the chair and close my eyes, kicking my feet joyfully under the table. these two never disappoint. sudden vibration on the table and my phone screen lits up. 1 message from kyungmun 5 hours ago. that can wait. i don't want to ruin my evening... oh hyunwoo?

where and at what time we meet tomorrow?

right. i still haven't decided on that and it's almost 10PM. i lick my fingers, wipe them in tissue and text him back.

what about 2PM and coffee place in the quiet center "me:et"? it's never crowded


replied instantly. come to think of it, i never expected that he would ask for that favor. as if he knew that i had the same number as him. if we didn't get to pick numbers, would he still come to work with me? in every bad situation i had, he was there. when kyungmun is next to me, he is there too. even shows up in my dreams. ever since i met him, i don't remember a single day where i didn't have interaction with him. professor laughed about getting change in life. i put the spoon in bowl and it hits the bottom. huh? i already ate it all while thinking to myself? from ribs there were only bones left and bowl is empty and clean. i sigh, rest my elbows on the table and put my head in my hands. what if i am really getting change in my life? i never expected that i would one day sit here alone, without any worries about kyungmun's school stuff. all thanks to hyunwoo. i guess he really might be my only way out.

as y/n finished doing her skincare routine, the phone in the kitchen kept vibrating for a long time. she ran back to the kitchen, thinking it was her mom calling as usual, but sees kyungmun's name on the screen. the smile vanishes from her face and she turns off the sound and vibration completely. "not today. i am not willing hear a word from you" she turns off notifications from him till the day ends and head to her room, falling back in her bad and puts the phone on her nightstand, screen down. you ain't no baby kyungmun. you'll find your way through and finally get to learn have to make presentation. the thoughts made her laugh and she switched off the lights, going to sleep. totally unbothered and relaxed.


a calm morning. woke up without an alarm. the view outside the left clear spring atmosphere. finally first leaves growing out. birds joyfully singing their melodies and fly round and round. sun shining brighter than ever. complete opposite of yesterday. feels like this day will also be good. slowly looked through the closet and tried to decide what better to wear. something cozy if we plan to study for a long time. so i took black and white tie dyed oversized denim jacket, black deconstructed hoodie and black baggy jeans. now i just have to make breakfast. fridge fully packed with ready-to-go meals, prepped food. smoothie bowl would be perfect for a morning like this. putting various fruits and berries in blender, adding yogurt and milk, spoons of honey. i press down the button and with a loud sound all the ingredients mix together. top it with berries and perfect breakfast is ready.

my serotonin // xikers hyunwooWhere stories live. Discover now