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something is shining into my face. i open my eyes and through the window sun was peaking at me. for a moment i thought i was dreaming again but no. i was in my own room. instead of my alarm, sun woke me up. i tried to find my phone which was somewhere on the floor. got it! 8:14 am. i should start to get ready. i take my blanket off and get out of the bed. the morning is so calm. sun making many images through the window on the wall, wind moving the leaves and birds flying from branch to branch. wishing that the whole day could be like this.

i go to the kitchen to drink water and my parents were already sitting at the table there. dad looking for something in his phone and mom drinking coffee. "good morning y/n!" huh? i thought they had left work the work? "hah, i see you are confused. we don't have work today, so we decided to take you to school" o-oh wow.. this morning seems to be off to great start. i take water bottle out of the refrigerator and opened the lid. "come sit down, let's have breakfast together" i sit down next to mom and drink half of the bottle. it feels little bit weird that today is my last breakfast with them. then for 2 months i'll be all alone here. "you don't have lecture today?" "oh no, i have sports day. nothing much" something started to sizzle and it smelled so good. i won't get to enjoy this for next two months... "y/n don't be sad it's not like we are going to disappear forever" "i know..." i am just afraid of kyungmun and what will happen to me when you two are not next to me.

"we will contact you everyday y/n. don't think that if we go away, that we will forget about you. after all, kyungmun will be-" "i will be fine by myself" don't mention kyungmun. "i am grown up already" he is the reason your daughter might not be okay again. darn it after all these thoughts i want to drink more water. i take the bottle and empty it all and put it back on the table. "y/n you seem stressed out" i am trying to stay calm. they are not away, but i already start to overthink "no i am fine. just thirsty" mom put many dishes with just cooked food. instead of worrying, i shall enjoy it.

we all sit at the table and eat in silence. did we really had nothing to talk about or was it the manners? the food is so delicious. rolled omelet, cooked veggies, spam, rice and so much more. perfect for sports day. i ate so much that i could roll to school. after this meal i will only get mom's cooked food after two months. should i ask for the recipes? that would be a big help- "okay, let's get ready! we need to go in 30 minutes" uhh...oh really! the clock showed it's already past nine. nevermind, recipes can wait. "thank you for the food!" i stand up and rush back to my room while mom was cleaning up the table. the coupon...i picked up all the pieces on the table. ahh...i should have gave it to hyunwoo, but...yeah, i mean, after all he said he doesn't need it. so i throw it all in trash bin. closet, closet... what should i wear?

"25 minutes y/n!!" "alright!" i take my black sweatpants and wear them on. hmm what kind of shirt should i wear. if only i knew if it's going to happen indoors and outside. anyways, white long sleeve sport shirt will do. good for both places. i throw some random hoodie inside my bag and some extra socks. y/n, don't forget to take water and some snacks. i sit on the bed and wear socks on. converse won't be good for today, so uhh... ah okay, let's take my black adidas superstars. they're pretty comfortable. i don't need to win any beauty contest today, it's just a sports day. "y/n, are you ready?" my shouted through the apartment. "yeah, just need to brush my hair!" i go to mirror and quickly brush my hair. all done. i put my backpack on and go outside.

"here are snacks for you today. don't forget to drink water and eat time to time" they already prepared snacks for me... "thank you mom and dad" from tomorrow i'll be the one to do everything. "let's go?" i nod and head out of the apartment. usually i would rush the car, but this time i want to wait for my parents. all together we headed to the car and i sat in the back. when was the last time they took me to school with a car? probably not this year. at least i don't remember. the skies are blue and a lot of clouds were roaming around. light wind. as if school had predicted that the weather would be perfect for sports day. today there were more people on the streets. i believe it is starting to get little bit warmer. i fell back in my seat and closed my eyes. wanting to drift away from all the worries for a moment.

my serotonin // xikers hyunwooWhere stories live. Discover now