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it started to get boring. just sitting at the back of the hall and do completely nothing for over an hour. next time i should just quit before the games even starts if i get to be in the same team as him. won't make this mistake twice, i hope so. washing face with cold water could really help now or i might fall asleep here. and i bet kyungmun wouldn't even bother to find me if i do so. too thrilled about winning and getting all to himself. jerk. oh boy...if i had guts to say what i think about you.

i go down the stairs and head outside the hall. the volleyball court is empty and the green haired guy wasn't there too. did it actually already end? kyungmun isn't around here too. i pass by the white board. hmm...no, the finals will only happen soon and our class did get into finals. whatever. not like they need me. i don't care whether we lose or win. i go out, away from this loud and joyful place, that i cannot be in anymore.

i go into toilet and open the sink, regulate the water to the coldest and splash over my face. the cold struck me, going through my body, but clearly relaxing my mind. should i call my parents now? there's no use for me to stay here till the end. "it's so sad that our class lost in volleyball match" "don't even start" i look to the side and two girls weeping. "but remember that tall guy from other team?" "you mean the one who knocked down the girl?" what? am i hearing things right? why can't i just not get away from kyungmun even when he is not here "yes!!! he actually is sooooo handsome. the way he played.." hmpff, please. how can you possibly like someone like kyungmun. judging by the looks and talking, both are equally blind.

"heey, aren't you the girl who fell down?" i turn off the sink. you have to be kidding me. "it is her!! you two are not together right?" ahh i already know where this is going. clueless brats. "oh no, do you really think i'd be with him when he knocked me down?" "right, right... soo i possibly thought..." i scoff loudly and look in the mirror. "listen i could set you two up with him easily, but please. even if i hate him, i wouldn't let the poor guy be with two empty-headed, long fake eyelash, 10 cm long nails and fake girls, who dress like that. like c'mon. i do have a little mercy on him" "excuse me what??" huh? i look to the right and they were clearly pissed off. wait... i didn't just say this all out loud. by their reaction, i think i did. Y/N WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME TODAY?! "this b!tch is so dead" i might as well get out of here or i am done for. i run and push through both of them. "YAAAH WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING!" AWAY. I AM RUNNING AWAY.

why the hell did i say it out loud? i thought i was thinking it all to myself. i run through the hallways as these two don't stop following me. can't they get tired already? or they so eager to beat me up. ffs y/n. you should start to think before you talk. i take many turns. where should i run? they're not behind me anymore, but that cannot be for too long. both of them are screaming all the time as they run, so clearly, they haven't stopped. i should hide somewhere for awhile, after next turn- ack! i run into someone and we both fall down. please give me a break !! ahh...those bruises- "you again?" i look up and no way. from all the people in this school, i ran into hyunwoo. "oh god, i am sorry" i stand up and offer my hand to him, but he rejects it and stands up by himself. geez, i can't just stand here...

"BETTER COME OUT YOU LITTLE SHIT!" shit, shit, shit. i have no time for this. so i take his hand and pull him inside the room next to us and close the doors. "what are you doing-" i put my finger on his lips "hush" i whispered. it is a sport inventory room. the room is dark and the only light came from under the room. the whole room was small and very packed. he pulled his hand out of mine. he is indeed confused. "what is it this time?" " i somehow managed to say what i think about some girls too loudly..." he scoffed and laughed. it wasn't funny. not a little bit. "that has nothing to do with me" no wait- i can't let him go away. they'll figure out i'm here. he went back to doors, but i grabbed his hand. "wait no, you can't go"

my serotonin // xikers hyunwooWhere stories live. Discover now