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what was he doing in my grandmother's garden? why was laki so friendly with him? wait, no... why has he even in my dream in first place? i only happened to run into him once, i cannot be emotionally attached to him. i don't even know him. the wind was clearly pushing me to him, but why... "y/n?" huh? "y/n what are you thinking about so much during a basic lecture?" "oh, no, nothing much. personal stuff" kyungmun continued to lay his head down on his arm and doze off. he managed to sit next to me after yesterday...

i look at my notebook and instead of notes, it was full of scribbles and little drawings of the dream i had. eh... calm down it was just a dream. it probably doesn't mean anything. i close my notebook and lay down in the same pose next to kyungmun. in lecture like this i can allow myself to doze off. i look to the right. hyunwoo. he was sitting there with his notebook opened, looking up and down. different from kyungmun. he's total lazy ass who only depends on me. it would probably be so easy to study with him... y/n. what are you thinking about? i think i've got weird because of one encounter in bus and one dream. it could also not be him. there are many guys with light brown hair like him...

he is looking back at me with one of his eyebrows raised up. shit. i was dozed off while looking at him. "okay students, that's all for today. i got message to relay to you all. whole school will have sport day tomorrow. no lectures. be in school at 10 am with outfit that is suitable for physical activities" kyungmun stretched out and yawned "ahh finally something interesting will happen" your whole school year would be interesting if you tried to do anything. "let's go get lunch!" "sure sure" i took my backpack and looked there again. he was already away. "y/n, let's go?" kyungmun was standing few steps lower and waiting for me. i went next to him and we are going to school's cafeteria. hopefully something is going to be served today.

there is a long line to buffet. as always. "maybe want to go eat outside today?" "no i finally have my lunch coupon with me" i usually don't forget or lose anything, but i somehow manage to lose lunch coupons. all the time. this time, since i found it, have to use it. "alrighty" the line was going on pretty fast. "oh y/n, i forgot to ask something. i wanted to do it yesterday but-" "what is it?" i don't want to hear a single word about yesterday. i'd rather forget it, than get constantly reminded about it by you kyungmun. "remember about the new project?" "uh yeah. so what about it?" he turned around, not minding what happens in front of him in the line. "remember he said that we will have to work in pairs?" oh i already know what he will ask. i turned him around and pushed him forward since then line had moved. "let's work together" he smiled at me. professor said projects not just one project. i look at kyungmun who is waiting for an answer. no. he is not waiting for it. he already knows it. i have no choice there. even if i say no, it will become yes.

"i don't want to think about upcoming projects now kyungmun" "but-" i smiled at him and answered with a useless response. "i will give you the answer on friday, can you wait till then?" we both already know what the answer will be like. he only smiled as always and nodded "next!" the lady at the buffet shouted at kyungmun. oh we already are here. hmm today's food is worth the coupon. great! at least some ray of luck is shining on me today. "should i wait for you?" "oh no, go find a place where to sit" "got it!" and there he went, through all the cafeteria hall. trying to find a free table. finally some free time from kyungmun. "next!" i slide my tray forward "i'll have lunch set no.1" she put bulgogi, rice, seaweed soup and side dishes on the tray. it smelled soooo good. "that will be-" "i have my lunch coupon" i opened my wallet and... wait, it was here "hehe...wait" what the hell, it was there yesterday! maybe it fell out in my bag. i looked through all the bag, but it's nowhere to be found. "girl, if you're not paying, then go or leave the tray to next person in line" "no, i am sure i had it"

"i'll pay for both" him. why is he always next to me when i am in trouble. he gave two coupon to cashier, not looking at me at all "thank you. i'll give you the money ba-" he took his tray and slid mine away "i will have lunch set no.2" i guess i am only a nuisance. ah y/n why are you still standing there? go go go !! i take my tray and look for kyungmun. i don't think i'll be able to face hyunwoo ever again. the bus, the lecture and now this. i think i made gods angry with my prayers yesterday. i shall never do it again if i don't know how to do it right.

my serotonin // xikers hyunwooWhere stories live. Discover now