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the weather is great today. i got outside the house and apple tree blossoms were flying around. few even stuck in my hair. i let them stay there. a joyful barks were heard. laki running through the garden, jumping around and disappearing in the tall grass. the little bird had caught her attention. "laki don't scare the birds away" her head appeared through the tall grass. i step out with bare feet. maybe some berries are already harvested. laki runs to me as i enter the garden and licks my hands. as fast as she ran to me, that fast she ran away.

small berry boxes were filled with various berries. they smelled so sweet. the scent came from the berry valley and grandmother's garden. i take one basket and run to the flower meadow near the apple trees. laki, in front of me, is lying on the ground and chewing on the apple. i go next to her and sit down. laki looks through the berry basket and lies her head down next to it. this is something i could draw right now. i take my sketch pad out of my skirt pocket and open it. the sheets were barely holding together. i take the berries and they stain my fingers as i eat and draw. leaving marks on the paper. suddenly laki opens her eyes and raises her head up. she starts to bark. "laki?" she stood up and run somewhere, dropping all the berries out of the basket. ah man, i didn't get to finish- strong wind blows from behind, pulling out my sketch pad and the pages fly different ways. i put my hair behind my ears and stand up. i can't lose those sketches. some fly down, i pick them up as i run forward, but the one with laki is still flying away from me. as if on purpose. i almost manage to catch it, but i trip against something and fall down. the wind never stops blowing. i look forward, but it's hard to see because my hair is in my sight. the sketch goes down. someone goes there to it and takes the sketch. he looks at it and then at me. it's hyunwoo...

i open my eyes and get up really fast. it's the second time hyunwoo is in my dream. and again, in my grandmother's garden. my safe place. in those dreams there was always me, laki and my grandmother. why suddenly hyunwoo starts to appear there? i take my phone from the night stand. 7:35. oh my god, OH MY GOD. I OVERSLEPT MY ALARM. i am going to be late to the bus. no no no... i can't miss today. it's friday and we are getting divided into pairs for the next projects. i take off the blanket and dash to the bathroom. damn, i really look like i've been in some big storm. i don't even have enough time for my skincare routine. so i just wash my face with cold water and brush my hair. alright, at least now i looks decent. i can show up in school like this. dang it, i also won't have time for breakfast too. that darn dream...

i run back to my room and pull my closet doors wide open. why exactly today it is so hard to decide what to wear? everything seems off and doesn't match well. geez, i can't waste more time...i will just wear my yesterday's outfit. black loose jeans, white long sleeve shirt and gray cardigan. okay now i really gotta run. on my way to the exit, i go by the fridge and open it. without looking in, i load bunch of stuff in my bag and one water bottle. i look at the clock on the wall. 7:45. ah... i'll really have to run. i take random jacket, throw it in my bag and go outside the apartment. off i go. without looking around i run down the stairs. please, nobody dare to get in my way. it will be not my problem if i accidentally push someone over. as i get outside, cold wind blows right in to my face and rains pours on me. huh? talk about being lucky. i cannot stand still any single second. the cold wind goes through my cardigan as i run, making me get goosebumps and rain not missing single spot on my body. drenching me whole. but i don't care. i have to get to the school.

my shoes are wet from accidentally stepping into puddles, because i don't have time to look down. my eyes are on the bus stop and the road to see if the bus isn't passing by. i feel my pants slightly sticking to my legs. i really might get sick after this, but i need to get my pair, my partner for the projects. the little hope that this time i might not be working with kyungmun was eagerly pushing me to the school. soon enough i got to the bus stop and hid under the tree. oh my, i was soaked in water. my has got curly from the rain and my shoes - dirty. thankfully i did not have to wait for too long, the bus arrived in few minutes. got in, rang my card and stood next to the exit doors. there are free seats, but i don't want someone after me to sit in wet seat. some people throw few glances at me and then get back to their business. yes indeed. the last thing i thought about this morning was to check the weather forecast. now here i am.

my serotonin // xikers hyunwooWhere stories live. Discover now