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Damn it where am I. And how did I get here. And why can I only see in black and white. How do I get out of this cramped box. Kick .Bang. Boom. That is better but not by much. It is still nearly pitch Black but at least I'm not trapped in that box. And I bend down and look at the quote quote box. And it is not a box well technically it is not a box more or less. It is a Expended Animation magical chamber. And after I finish looking at the Expended Animation Chamber I realize I was in a very large crypt. And the Expended Animation Chamber was at the very furthest end of the crypt right up against the wall. Yes it was the furthest away from the sealed Stone doors to the crypt. Yes it look like I was the first person that was place in this crypt. Curious very curious. But why am I here and where am I. And from the looks of this place I am in what looks like my family's crypt. And everything in this crypt looks very very old. And written on the majority of the coffins and funeral vases is the Quincy family name. And I am very shocked that I can see within the pitch blackness of this crypt. Yes it must have been the curse that allowed me to see in the dark like I am doing. Crap crap crap crap I must be a full-blown Revenant now what am I going to do. Yes what in the frick am I going to do. Because I cannot have any contact with any living person anymore without putting their life in danger because of my hunger and thirst. Freaking crap. And when I am thinking of having contact with someone else my craving and desire to kill them and eat their flesh and drink their blood comes roaring like a vicious and ravenous monster to the forefront of my thoughts and desires compelling me to hunt for them and kill them and take their lives. Freaking freaking fucking crap. Yes it is taking every ounce of my willpower and control of myself from rushing out there wherever I am at to find whoever I could to kill them and do whatever I want to them. Because I really really am so hungry so freaking freaking hungry. It feels like I haven't eaten in over a thousand years. And come to think of it how long have I been in this crypt. And what looks like the oldest of the coffins and funeral vases the written language was English but the younger the item was the more the language seems to change into a different written language. Yes I can see that the written language was changing into another language format. Without a unifying force or medium to keep the written or spoken language synchronize languages seems to diverge slowly over time the more separated different groups of individuals are from each other. And if that happened to be location or separated by a significant amount of time. And what starts out as slight accents and variation of spelling of the same words slowly and inevitably evolveds into a different language given a appropriate amount of time from the original language. And what looks like the youngest writings it seems like it is most definitely a different language. O yes it seems like it has been a very long time since I was placed here in this crypt. So I use a spell to determine how old this crypt is and it is very very shocking because it is at least 3,000 and 400 years old. But that measurement of time was how old this crypt is but not how old my Expended Animation Chamber was because it was over 3 thousand and 700 and 82 years old. Crap crap crap crap how did I survive so long within that Expended Animation Chamber. And I am very surprised that it lasted as long as it did I would have thought the magic that was keeping me asleep and preventing the Revenant curse from spreading to me would have worn off way before it did. And I am wondering why I was placed here in this crypt instead of someone trying to find a cure for my Revenant curse. Yes shit and freaking crap. And after I had my little mental breakdown and crisis I finally realized how small my hands are and how loose and baggy my clothes was on me and my clothes was very old and thread worn I am surprised that they are not falling off of me right now.. And it is surprising that I overlooked this fact as long as I did. And the only reason I can come up with why I look so young I am guessing that the Expended Animation Chamber healing spell that kept me alive for all this time was slowly so very slowly aging me younger and younger until I reached this age that I am now. And it looks like I am probably about 10 years old from the look and sides of my hands and how tall that I am. And I am strongly guessing that the magical spells and enchantments must have failed on the Expended Animation Chamber. And I must have woken up as soon as that happened luckily the healing and sleeping spells kept me contained and prevented my Revenant craving and desires from waking me up and keeping me from killing and eating someone thank goodness. I do not know what I am going to do a very strong part of me wants to kill myself right now but that would be suicide a sin against God and myself damning me straight to hell if I'm not already damned to hell because I am a Revenant. Hopefully I have to do something evil enough in my Revenant form to be Damned to hell. And if I don't do that one evil act or several acts I won't be Damned to hell when my time comes knock on wood. O yes what am I going to do. Should I remain here or leave this place and find someone to kill and eat. My Revenant side is encouraging me to leave and to kill but my human heart at least what is left of my human heart is telling me no no no no no no no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I could not make up my mind to stay or to leave luckily for me I had a very old coin in my magical traveling fanny pack well the coin wasn't old to me. Because I remember putting it in to my traveling fanny pack. And yes I know that the coin is over 3,000 almost 4,000 years old by now but as I said it is not old to me technically you see. So I take one of my gold galion coins that was in my traveling fanny pouch and I flipped it high into the air and caught it to see if I should stay or go ahead and leave. And I slapt the gold coin in the palm of my left hand and I see that it was heads. So I left my family's crypt to see what I would come across and see. I started wondering what would I find outside of my family's crypt and if I could maintain control of my urges and desires to kill and cause havoc and mayhem. So I went up to the stone doors and I did not see any way to open them up from this side obviously. Because why would there be some way to open up the doors from this side so I pressed upon them until they broke and I open up the doors to my family crypt. I thought I might be outside but I was still underground it looks like I am in a very large hallway with several doors leading into other people's family crypts. There must have been at least 100 crips down the right side and the same on the left side of the stone hallway. When I was taking the time to decide which direction I will go I took out my gold galleon and was just about ready to flip it when I picked up a very very faint scent of someone on the left side of the hallway. Crap crap crap crap no no no no no no!!!!!!!!!!!!. I will not I freaking will not go because I cannot if I do I know that I would kill them and I cannot and I do not want to kill them. God please help me please God stop me from going to where they are at. In the name of God and by the blood of Jesus in the name of God and by the blood of Jesus in the name of God and by the blood of Jesus in the name of God and by the blood of Jesus I did this for almost a half an hour but my craving and desire for their blood and flesh drove me to where they was at. I was standing at the entrance to the catacombs and the only reason I did not leave I felt the sunlight and I knew that it would burn me to Ash if I stepped out. I am pressing myself up against the stone doors to the catacombs waiting for the sun to go away and let me kill them all. I can smell them. And I can hear them. And I know that there is 62 people out there in the freaking sunlight. Yes I can smell them and they smell so good so freaking freaking good. My mouth start to fill up with saliva. Yes I was drooling like the ravenous wolf in the fairy tales waiting to pounce upon Little Red Riding Hood to eat and gobble her up. Hey there Little Red Riding Hood. Because you are looking and smelling so good. Yes you are everything a big bad and ravenous wolf would ever want. Hooooowwwwwl. Hahahahaha. Yes I was biting at the bit with the anticipation for the taste of their blood and flesh within my mouth and upon my tongue. In the very back of my thoughts I was aware that the majority of them was children's and the rest was adults but I did not care. Because my hunger and my craving to kill and rip them to pieces and to gorge upon the flesh and blood was overwhelming me. Yes my desires to kill them was everything and all consuming. And I cannot wait I cannot wait yes I cannot wait until the sun the freaking sun would die and let me to feed and kill them All. Right before I felt the sun going over the horizon and it would become night a little bit of my senses came back to me and I started praying to God. O God forgive me for all my sins. Yes forgive me and cleanse me from this evil and wicked desire to kill and feed upon their flesh and blood. Please please please protect me and them. Yes please God protect them from me please please O God. Yes please please please please. My God please. God help me to runaway and help them and protect them God please please please help me to stop and help protect them please stop me stop me stop me stop me stop me please God!!!!!!!!!!!!.

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