The Daughters of the former Demon lord.

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Ding ding ding ding ding ding. You have a new quest update. Dolphia Randall. And Darien Randall. Your father the former Demon Lord was killed by George Robert Quincy the new Demon Lord. And here's your new quest. Defeat George Robert Quincy the one who killed your father. Or become his first and second wife's. This quest can be completed together or it can be taken on separately. Because it is up to you on which direction that you choose to complete this quest. And to complete this quest you must level up your skills and abilities to successfully complete this quest. And it is obvious if you choose to defeat him you must be strong enough to kill him. And if you choose to become his wife you must be strong enough to support him and help him in whatever that he choose to do. And if you choose to marry him it is important to marry him as soon as possible to receive the maximum and most positive results for supporting him. And if you choose to revenge your father's death the longer you wait the stronger he will become and the harder it would be to defeat him. So the sooner you level up and become strong enough to complete this quest the better...................... Crap why do I look like a fallen angel with these black wings. Do I have Nephilim genetics that was activated when I became the new Demon Lord. Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep. Processing processing. Your fallen angel wings as you put it is a manifestation on your personal expression on who you feel that you have become. And if you thought that you was the Greek God Adonis you would have looked like him but you see yourself as a evil and dark malevolent fallen creature. So your physical transformation into the Demon Lord is your expression on who and watch you believe you are. Yes this form is your activated Demon Lord transformation and if you choose to transform back into your original shape you can do so but each time you do it you take up a significant amount of MP and you must recover from your transformation to be at full strength and magical health. Okay okay I choose to have my original form. Transformation initiated back into your original Revenant body. About two and a half almost 3 hours later. Crap this town gives creepy a new definition. This is most definitely a Demon town. And it is full of Monsters and so-called Demons. Roberts started walking into the town like he owned the place well technically because he is the new Demon Lord he does. About 2 minutes after he stepped into the town several Demons stepped up to him and challenged him. And Robert said step down or get decapitated it is your choice. And a Crimson Blade appeared in Robert's right hand and he pointed it at them. And he emanated a Unimaginable aura of Hunger and Craving for Flesh and Blood. Yes his Aura was so strong that it overwhelmed and consumed these weak individuals who thought that they were so Damn strong. Yes his Aura made them coward with fear. Yes they stepped aside and let him pass. Hahahahahahaha. Yes it is so easy being evil isn't it. Sad But True. Robert blended into the shadows of the town but he wasn't alone there were several individuals who was in the shadows with him so it wasn't convenient for him to hide his identity in the shadow so he stepped out of the shadows and he said crap . I am trying not to draw attention to myself but if I do not use Detect Presence I'm going to be surprised by someone or something. But it is rude using the Detect Presence because there is those individuals who do not want their Presence Detected. And it will most definitely draw their attention towards me if I do that. But I guess I have to cast the spell. Okie dokie Detect Presence. Whoosh his Detect Presence spell spread across the entire town notifying and showing him everyone and everything that was here in this Demons town. And he most definitely alerted a good majority of the residents of the town of Black Boug. If I did not know any better I will almost believe I was in a Wizarding town that was strongly leaning towards a Dark and Gothic persona. And the main street of the town was lined with different shops very curious and very interesting shops with assortment of goods and curiosities that peakt Roberts interests. And Robert walked into a plaza in the middle of the town and there was several wagons full of human slaves and there was a auction to sell these humans to the Demons and Monsters. Yes dammit I guess I have to do something that would draw the attention to myself to save these humans from being sold and abused by these Demons and Monsters. Freaking crap I guess I have to do something. Unquenching Darkness. Everything everywhere for almost 5 miles went completely black. Haha crap that was strong yes to damn strong but anyway. Robert transformed into his Demon Lord Fallen Angel persona. And then he dispelled his spell. When everyone was looking around trying to figure out what happened Robert said I am the new Demon Lord bow down to me or die. Hahahahahahaha. A Horrible and Demonic laughter was emanating from his deep and resident chest it sounded like a very Dark and Malevolence Demon Dragon was laughing. 🐲. Yes Robert was not afraid on being who he know that he was deep inside of his heart and soul. Yes he wasn't afraid on expressing his Evil and Demonic side around these individuals he knows that he can kill the majority of them and he would not feel any guilt for doing it. But he held back his murderous desires to kill and to destroy everything around him because it would not serve his purpose on saving these humans before him. When he had everyone's attention he said I am so hungry and I am craving the Flesh and blood of these humans yes I am going to enjoy eating each and every one of them. Hahahahahahaha. He flicked his wrist and every one of the humans who was in the slave wagons and who was in the town floated up towards him and you can see the fear within their eyes but he could not help that right now what was important was to save their lives. Robert the Demon Lord looked all around him grinning with Malevolence and said this is a very small payment to your new Demon Lord serve me and do what I tell you to do absolutely and completely and you just may survive my terrible wrath. Hahahahahahaha. And then he disappeared with all the humans in a blinding Crimson flash of Fire and Black Lightning. Crackle crackle sizzle and pop and he was gone. Several minutes later everyone started coming back to there senses and the awareness of everything around them. Robert was standing in the back of the crowd and he said Shit did you see him he was Magnificent. Yes he was simply Glorious. O yes he is most definitely our new Demon Lord. Everyone that was around him looked at him and agreed with him most definitely he is our new Demon Lord everyone was saying and thinking to themselves. And when the crowd started dispersing Robert went back to his expiration of the demon town to see what he can see and what items and equipment that he could acquire. About an hour later Robert walked into a weapon and armory shop to see what they had and if there was anything that he wanted. And when he was looking at the armors and weapons the shopkeeper walked up to him as started snapping her fingers in front of his face and she said where is your master zombie you cannot be in here without him or her. And Robert said I don't need anybody with me I'm capable of being here by myself. The shopkeeper said oh you are a Litch. Robert was just about ready to correct her definition of what he was. But he said damn it close enough. The former Demon Lord thought I was a Litch so why not go with it. And he said yes and I would like to see what you have that would benefit my abilities. And the shopkeeper said good you definitely need some new clothes and armor wearing those rags and those cheap and flimsy second hand leather armor like you are doing. I know that you are Zombie quote Litch but you don't need to dress like it. Robert just glared at her for a moment and then he grinned and said show me what you have. Later after he did his shopping and saw what he wanted to see in the town he looked for somewhere to stay within this town of Black Boug. Yes he is most definitely towards the east near the town of Black Boug. I felt his presence there for less than a minute and then it was gone. Crap if he won't stay in one place long enough for me to catch up with him how can I confront him for killing my father the true and only Demon Lord. And he could never stand in the shoes of my Glorious Father. I do not know how he killed him. The Demons and Monsters that was with him that survived the battle has not returned yet. Fucking Crap when they do return they will die for taking this long to return. Sister sister calm down and relax we must take this opportunity to secure our position in what is left of the Demon army. And are we going to be ally sister or enemies. Yes because I would not want to be in your shoes sister if you chose to be my enemy. And she gave her sister a Dark and Malevolent Grin. They both stood up from the war council table that they was sitting at. And they both squared up in front of each other and they started fighting and grappling with each other to see who was the strongest and the most powerful and dominant. And the other Demons and Monsters who was in the war chamber and who was sitting at the table just stayed out of their way and watch the fight take place waiting to see which of these sisters would win this recent confrontation with each other.

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