Why Is It So Easy. To Sin.

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Snap snap snap snap snap. Rosene. How is he doing this this magic is too strong it could not be from a mortal or demon this killing magic must be from a God. Or a Hero who was blessed by one of those damn humans Gods. Yes this is a trap to lure me here to be killed. Yes the Hero's party was formed early and somehow they tricked me to come here. Yes they tricked me and they wanted me to think that I will be confronting a challenger to regain my Throne and Crown to reclaim my title as Demon Lord again. And if I do not figure out how to defeat him I am going to die. I wish they would have let me build up all of my army before they attempted to kill me. Damn it damn it damn it. Zucchero. Ocarina. Azani. Krocgk. Zucnina. I Casts Crimson Nightshade. Snap. Crackle Wuusshh. Hahahahaha. That should enhance and strengthen my armies. Yes casting The Forever Night curse will give them a major power boost. Hahahahaha. Robert. Hahaha. He is very stupid because if he knew who I was or should I say what I am he would not have cast that magic spell. Okie dokie since he is stupid it is time for me to enter the battlefield he started grinning like a Fiend from hell.👹. Robert look back at Tarak and said I want you to make sure that everyone is safe and everyone is ready to defend themselves if they have to. But if it looks like it's going bad run the opposite direction from those demons do you understand me. Tarak said yes Lord Quincy. Didn't I say I'm not a False Demigod. I am sorry Robert. I understand where you are coming from. Robert took him down and placed him at the base of the tree and then he streaked off in a unbelievable blur towards the demon army laughing like a hyena. Hahahahahahahaha. He had his short sword in his right hand and a dagger in his left hand. Damn it he's running on to the battlefield did you make contact with the Quincy's yet. Mistress Amundane they are giving us the runaround they are saying that there is no Quincy on the South Eastern Continent that they are not interfering with our game.????? Really????? Yes Mistress Amundane Lord Quincy told me himself that there is no Quincy on our game board. Then what the hell is he doing if he's not a Quincy. And why is he wearing the Quincy's necklace and bracelets if he is not a Quincy. Time Displacement. I want everyone to find out who he is and where he came from. Several hours later within the time bubble they found out who he was. Damn it he is one of the ancient elders of the Quincy's that was cursed with the Revenant curse. Because he does not know anything about the Heavenly Alliance and Compact he can be considered a game piece maybe a random game piece but a game piece nonetheless. Yes he is legally capable of doing what he wants to do in our game board without us interfering directly with him. Yes inform the Quincy's about who he is they may be interested on his identity maybe they will decide to take him off our game board. That is if we are lucky and they do not leave him here to mess with us. 17 almost 18 minutes later. Moooooooo. Damn you you demonic Betsy. Slice Robert used his short sword to cut the horn from the monster bull. That freaking hurts damn it damn it damn it. Rosene. That did not kill you. Hahaha I cannot be killed so easily you freaking false demon. Robert with his left hand slowly pulled out the enormous bulls horned from his chest. It must have been over 3 ft long at least the part that he cut off the bull he turned around and stabbed the bull into its eye puncturing it's brain killing it. And Robert said it is your turn to die now demon or should I say false demon. Rosene said are you calling me a false demon I was the Demon Lord and I will be the Demon Lord again after I kill you Lyunch. You think that I am a Lyunch I am a Revenant I am 100 times better and stronger than any week and pitiful Zombie or Lyunch could ever be. Yes because a lyunch couldn't hold a candle to me. Robert said I could see that you do not know what a real demon is you are only a pretender because if you know what a real demon was you will be to afraid to call yourself one of those demonic minions. And now that you know that you are not a real demon it is time for you to die so been down and show me your neck. Rosene said I can make you my second you could rule half of the world with me you do not have to kill me. Hahaha. Why would I want to rule half the world if I kill you I could have it all. That is if I was inclined to do that. Hahaha. Either way if I am the Hero or the Villain within this story I do not need you to be alive so die. All of Robert's injuries has healed in the few moments he was talking to the former soon to be dead Demon Lord. Robert started grinning just like he was a true and real demon and he spontaneously flashed as quick as lightning to Rosene and took his head off with one simple flick of his wrist. Kuplunk when the head of the former Demon Lord and his head landed right in front of the feet of Roberts. Hahaha. Robert shouted as loud as he could if you do not want to die return back to your cursive dark land and never dean to come here again. Hahahahaha. After all of them saw their leader get his head chopped off all the lesser demons and monster fled back to where they came from as fast as they could at least what was left of them. Robert looked all around the desolate battlefield he saw the hero and the other cadets from the academy looking at the demons and monsters running away most of them look like they was fighting and the rest look like they was injured. Roberts said about injuries I need some sustenance to fully recover he grabbed Rosene headless body and dragged it behind the enormous bull body to hide what he was about to do to the remains of Rosene. Crunch crunch crunch rip rip
Slurp slurp slurp swallow. Crap crap crap he taste nasty I know that he is a human that was magically engineered but why did he have to taste so freaking nasty at least his flesh and blood is healing me. Yes I am almost back to full health give it a few more minutes until I digest all of his nasty flesh and blood yes I might need some super strong antacid tablets to settle my stomach. And I should be as good as new. Lord Robert Lord Robert where are you. Damn it I don't want to have to deal with this right now. I am right here I'm coming Tarak. Robert picked up Rosene wine bag that was on his hip and took a few swigs of the red wine to wash the flesh and blood and the little bits demon meat from his teeth and mouth. Still holding the red wine pouch he started walking to where the hero and his party was approaching him. And he started saying to himself. I am the good guy here. I am the good guy here. Yes I am not the evil and dark Revenant. I am who I want to be. I am not this monster that I feel that I am deep inside of my heart and soul. Yes I cannot show them who I truly who I truly am. God forgive me for all my sins please please please please please please God. Please protect them from me O Lord God.🙏.

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